<p>I am currently a sophomore taking Algebra 2, and next year as a junior I'll be taking Precalculus (both Honors classes). Although I am strong enough at math to take Honors math classes, I am still not very strong at math. Since I have nothing to do this summer, I'm thinking about taking a Precalculus course this summer at a community college just to be more prepared for the class next year. I am taking 4 AP courses, so I don't want to be dragged down by just math if I am struggling in Precalculus. My school said the community college course wouldn't count towards my high school diploma, so I wouldn't get any high school credit for it. </p>
<p>Do you think this would be a waste of time, or is it a good idea for being more prepared if I am not a very strong math student?</p>
<p>Definitely a good idea. Precalc can be hard, and it’ll be nice to have some solid preparation and background while you’re juggling those 4 AP classes.</p>
<p>I was about to ask the similiar question lols. But for me, I’m gonna take trigonmetry over my sophomore year at a community college and take pre-cal my junior year.</p>
<p>I think it’s a very good idea. I know all my friends who take precal say that it’s harder than AP Cal at times (for some reason, idk why). This will also get you ahead of other students and you’ll feel more confident going into the course in the fall. Totally think you should do it. Good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks everyone, I think I will definitely take it over the summer.</p>
<p>Does anyone here have experience taking a Precalculus course at their community college? How good was it and how much did you really learn from it? Did it prepare you for next year’s math course (whichever course you took)?</p>
<p>Aww, well you’ll still be prepared enough though, at least more prepared than everyone else in Precal next year who didn’t think of doing this. =]</p>
<p>Hmm should I take a course called Intro to Trigonometry as well, would that help me with Precal? How much Trig is there Precal?</p>
<p>I’m a junior and I’m taking what’s basically pre-calculus this year although we don’t call it that.</p>
<p>It’s always good to be solid with your trig, however, there isn’t a whole lot in pre calculus. There is definitely some, but not much. It’s WAY more important to be good at algebra, which you’ll be using for things like:</p>
<p>Trig you might have for:
Well, just learning more trig…trig identities and stuff like that, you’ll probably review trig if you have already learned it.
And also you’ll use it for polar coordinates, and vectors.</p>
<p>OP- i took it for a dual enrollment class. It does help you tremendously for calculus. </p>
<p>to other poster: you definitely need to take precalc in high school though before AP calc no matter what. even if you ace it during the summer AP calc is a completely different thinking and language</p>
<p>bad idea, precalculus is too easy a math to warrant taking the class twice. You don’t have to be a “math person”, just read the textbook and do your homework with diligence. You could be earnin $$$$$ instead. OPPORTUNITY COSTTTTTTT MANG</p>
<p>I took pre calc, and calc 1-2 at my community college and the only thing I needed from pre calc was the knowledge of Trig. Learn that wheel thing and you are golden. I got an A in precalc, B in calc 1, A calc 2.</p>
<p>Keep in mind at the community college that if it doesn’t go as well as you hope, you may have the option of auditing the class (sitting in, no grades).</p>