Good idea to go to local conference?

<p>In South Carolina, a WUSTL representative is coming to a hotel conference and there will be like 50-70 people, and there will probably be a slide show presentation and that is it. I can maybe get to talk with the admissions guy. WUSTL isn't my first choice, but I definitely want to apply and would consider going if I got accepted. Is it worth going? It's the same day in which Notre Dame has their conference at our school (ND Is 6-8, WUSTL is 7-8 at a hotel). I only might want to go to ND Because it's so popular at school, but could consider going there. What do you guys think? Where should I go that day?</p>

<p>We attended one of the Wash U conferences in Richmond. My son liked the rep and spoke with her for about 10 minutes at the end. As for the presentation, it was all right. Not the greatest, but not the worst we've seen. Wash U later contacted him and offered a flight to St. Louis, campus tour, a night on the campus and an interview with admissions and any department that interests him. He plans to visit in about two weeks.</p>

<p>If you can, go. I went to mine, and loved it.</p>

<p>Make sure you talk with the rep afterwards- you should definitely have a chance. There were maybe 50-60 people at mine, but only 5 students went to talk to the rep right after. I have a strong feeling that it helped me get in, personally, since I had met the rep the previous day at my school (and she could probably put a face to my name).</p>