Good Lit, OK Math I and Horrible Math II... what do i do?

<p>for the first time i sit for my SATs and things are going great, my mind's all clear and life's beautiful... till I get this feeling that someone's drilling holes in the inner walls of my stomach (excuse me if you find that too graphic). so my lit goes really well, my math 1c not good (left out 9 questions... and with the merciless curve, it might drop to 650-ish) but by my Math II test, i'm being tested more on my physical endurance than trig identities.</p>

<p>i ask the invigilator if there's any way i can cancel just my math II coz by then the pain is too excruciating for me to be able to even read the questions... and he's sympathetic but says, "u have to cancel everything if u want to do that"... and i think of my beautiful literature test and say, 'never mind'...</p>

<p>the thing is i'll be doing ED to a highly selective LAC (its regular d acceptance rate is arnd 26%) and i'll be sending my SAT II scores along with my applications by nov 15. im already registered for SAT I on nov 5th... i'm thinking abt resitting for Math II in december...</p>

<p>my questions are:</p>

<p>a) should i apply ED1 with good lit, ok math1 and bad math 2 scores?? or should i wait and resit for math II and also take chem + bio in december and then apply ED 2? Do colleges tend to take a higher percentage of ED1 applicants than ED2 applicants??</p>

<p>b) if i do ED1, is there any way i can send a note that i fell sick during the test and therefore my lit was good but math 2 not good?</p>

<p>c) what IS considered to be a good Math II score, actually?? and what's a good math I score? and while we are on that... what's a good Lit score??</p>

<p>i'm an international student, btw... and i'm thinking abt doing ED to middlebury. would really appreciate any answer... :)</p>

<p>i think if u didnt do as well as u wanted than u should take it again in nov since you'll still be able to apply to ED2. usually a good score is above 700, but above 650 is pretty decent as well. also if middlebury only requires two sat II's then u shouldnt worry too much</p>

<p>middlebury requires three SAT IIs in 3 different subject areas... so i have a problem there. I'm thinking about applying ed to an LAC that is pretty good but is alright with 2 SAT IIs... that way i can send my good lit and ok math 1 scores and just concentrate on my sat 1 which is on nov... i hope my math 1c score is sth abt 650... </p>

<p>thanks for the reply :)</p>