Good luck everyone (and, goodbye)

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>Times right now are stressful... so I simply want to wish everyone good luck. This is going to be my last post here on CC.</p>

<p>I first came to CC over four years ago. So, as corny as it sounds, this site means a lot to me. I don't want to transform this into some sort of long essay, but I just want to say that this site has been incredibly valuable to me in so many ways, and it's helped me through some difficult times when I had nowhere else to go. Coming to this site has led me down certain paths that I wouldn't have experienced otherwise.</p>

<p>I just want to extend thanks to everyone who has ever taken the time to help answer questions and make life easier for others. College can be some pretty stressful stuff -- both getting in, and actually getting out.</p>

<p>So, to those trying to get in, I hope things work out for you and that you enjoy the rest of your year before you make the transition to college. And for those on their way out, I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your time here at Penn.</p>

<p>Later everyone,</p>

<p>Legendofmax signing off</p>

<p>Whoa. 3400 posts and you’re done? :)</p>

<p>Did you join a CC 12 Step Program to get out? [I’ve heard some snicker that there should be one…] I swore I was going to return to ‘lurk’ mode this morning, and your post possessed me to write again. </p>

<p>Seriously though, all the best to you, Legendofmax. Thanks for all of YOUR support and advice you have offered to folks as well. I hope your stress quiets down and you have a nice holiday season, and wonderful year ahead. </p>


<p>I have to leave soon so I’ll just agree with the previous poster…
you’re the help</p>

<p>thank YOU 10char</p>

<p>i’m graduating next semester (same as you i think)
i remember stressing out too and posting my stats here when i got in heh
hard to believe it’s already been 4 years
see you around x oxo ht h</p>

<p>ahh nice words…hope i can come back on CC 4 yrs from now and do the same lol</p>

<p>dude i just thought about this kid – he is a legend.</p>


<p>I have only been on CC for a while, legendofmax, but you and your postings have represented UPenn well. Best of luck.</p>