<p>Hi guys</p>
<p>Do anyone know which school (preferably non public school) offer banking and finance major? And I was just wondering also, can i take finance or banking undergrad program or the earliest I can apply for them is from junior year onwards</p>
<p>Wharton. There is no concentration in banking, but you can do finance and do the banking track: <a href="http://undergrad.wharton.upenn.edu/curriculum/concentrations/finance.cfm%5B/url%5D">http://undergrad.wharton.upenn.edu/curriculum/concentrations/finance.cfm</a>.</p>
<p>At Wharton you start as a freshman so you do business and lib arts all four years.</p>
<p>Almost any school with a good business school will have a finance major. Some other top programs include Michigan, NYU, Berkeley, UT-Austin, MIT, UNC, USC, UVA, and Carnegie Mellon.</p>