Good place to use meal plan

<p>I just purchased a non-resident plan for the year, knowing i'll be too lazy to cook for myself... </p>

<p>So, which place would you recommend as the best? I live right next to clark kerr, so I will probably visit that place most often...</p>

<p>So far Im loving the Peets Coffee and Tea in the Den, attached to Crossroads. Crossroads itself has practically a million options. But that area is a little far from Clark Kerr, so I dont know how practical that is.</p>

<p>Well what's best will probably be what's closest, unfortunately. Walking to Crossroads just for a meal would be a pain. On campus, though, I'm partial to the GBC's sandwiches (and when I'm near the Den, likewise). As for the dining commons, Foothill is terrible, never go there. I've heard Clark Kerr is good, and Crossroads is the "best", but most likely you won't want to walk a longer distance for slightly better food.</p>

<p>Crossroads is the same as anything else, you'll get good sandwiches there. Pizza is as crappy as you'll find. I've actually heard that Clark Kerr is better for food. Less options but better quality.</p>

<p>i'm living in clark kerr and i've been eating in the dining hall next to building 9 (i think that's where it is)</p>