good pranks to pull on my room mates?

<p>hey, im a freshman living in a quad with 3 other guys. there has recently been a kind of prank war, with one person pranking the other 3, or 3 pranking one person. i was recently subject to a three fold prank, and though my sense of humor allows me to laugh at it, i have a deep desire to wreak revenge >:)</p>

<p>just so you have some context, here are the pranks they have pulled so far.</p>

<p>room mate A once lined up hundreds of dixie cups around the dorm and filled them with orange juice, making it difficult for the other 3 of us to walk around.</p>

<p>when i got back last night from thanksgiving break, there was a note in my room addressing the four of us saying that campus security had reason to believe we had one of the hall couches in our room (which we do, hah) and that were under suspicion. in my fear of facing a "$100" charge, i sent an email to the address posted on the letter, which turned out to be some random student at the college. my room mates then laughed and told me the whole situation.</p>

<p>i want to get, ideally, all of them back. good. i wasn't too happy to come back to a letter like that in which we each have to pay $100 for possession of a hall couch, and the fact they let me email the guy without telling me bothered me. don't get me wrong, i find it completely hilarious now. but i also now really want to prank them back.</p>

<p>i need an insanely good, relatively inexpensive, easy to pull off prank idea. thoughts?</p>

<p>Well, the only thing that I can think of is whenever you leave the room, spread butter on the floor right by the door when you know they’re coming home. They’ll fall on their asses every single time they walk through. </p>

<p>Sorry, I know that’s probably lame but that’s all that I can think of. Go to youtube and look up “butter floor prank” and you’ll find a few videos with examples.</p>

<p>go to a dollar store, look around, and let your creativity think of something.</p>

<p>Turn them in for having the couch. They’ll think the letter is a prank.</p>

<p>Roommate Confessions on College Humor might give you some ideas, though many of them are a bit extreme, so be careful which of their suggestions, if any, you put into practice.</p>

<p>Put live tadpoles in the back part of the toilet (not the bowl, but the tank) so that when they flush it, they’ll think there is a plumbing problem that is allowing live tadpoles to get into the water supply. hahahahah!!</p>

<p>silly but effective–fill the entire room with balloons so that it is near impossible to even enter the room.</p>

<p>put vasoline on EVERYTHING.</p>

<p>take their bed mattress and put it in another room, then leave a note on their desk saying they’ve been kicked out</p>

<p>go on youtube and look up “msn dumped” and “coke bomb explosion prank”</p>

<p>When they sleep:</p>

<p>Balls on face + camera</p>

<p>Email them the picture once they’ve left for xmas break. It is possible to do this on lofted beds…trust me</p>



<p>Maybe it’s just a guy thing that I don’t understand, but why would the pranker want to do this?</p>

<p>lol that prank reminds me of the southpark episode where cartman “pranks” butters^^</p>

<p>Hmm… we might have taken it a bit far… we took a shovelful of snow onto a roommate’s bed while he was gone… he got REALLY ****ed off and wants to fight whoever did it, but that’s nowhere near as bad as some of the pranks listed here XD</p>

<p>i did a couple of pranks at the middle of high at the end of the year im a junior wat had happened was it was a room of four including me see this is wat i did i took his bed apart because they were take apartable or wat ever and bent the holders so i put it back together to were if it was jumped on it would fall so i told my roommates it was a race last one in the bed has yo clean the whole room ready set go u guess wat happened???</p>

<p>Honey on the toilet seat !</p>

<p>drug them, and shave everything - and I mean everything</p>

<p>Put their hands in a bucket of warm water overnight…;)</p>