<p>I have a 5.45 gpa and am #3 in my class of 289 (only by a few thousands of a point). What is the best school that I can get in to??? I live in tx and don't want to go to far but will if I can get into a really good school.</p>
<p>You don’t major in pre-med. You just get on ‘a track’, and take certain courses. I can’t recommend any schools near you because I don’t know what “far” means. I also don’t you know your other criteria. I suggest you do some research, take surveys (start w/ collegeboard’s) and do a bit of grunt work. It’s time to start looking…good luck!</p>
<p>Actually, there are some schools with a premed major. You can still go into med school if you take any major. Most students take Biology major at any universities. There are some pre requisites though for med school. If you’re really interested, there is a very competetive 7yr med program at Rice/Baylor College of Medicine (3 yrs undergrad, 4 years med school).</p>
<p>None of us is qualified to answer what is the best school you can get into… that is up to the admissions office to decide. All you can do is apply.</p>
<p>As other posters have stated, pre-med is a track. It really does not matter where you go if your sole desire is to become a doctor… you should go where you are happiest.</p>
<p>With your stats, I would highly recommend Rice (since we are next to the world’s largest medical center… in fact, I am staring at it from the library window as I write this post), Duke, or WashU for pre-med.</p>
<p>William & Mary has an excellent track record for med school admittance; best in Virginia. Very similar to Duke and Wash U and Rice as far student quality and preparation.</p>
<p>Go where you want. Pre-med attrition is so high that if you wind up choosing a place that is “renowned for pre-med” or something like that you will very likely end up unhappy.</p>