Hi all! I am currently a high school junior looking for advice on good pre meds in the Midwest. I would prefer a smaller school that is also decently affordable and has a few solid Christian organizations. As far as stats go I have 34 act, 3.99 unweighted, and average to below average extracurriculars. I am also taking quite a few classes at the University of Minnesota, so am looking for places that credits would transfer. Sorry if this is too vague!
Check out Hope College in Holland, MI. It’s a Christian college and one of the Colleges That Change Lives. About Hope | Hope College. I have a sophomore there (CS major, not premed). Hope has a good premed program. Pre-Health Professions Advising | Hope College. The Hope COA (tuition is 36K) is lower than many private LAC’s and they give merit aid to students with good stats like yours. Scholarships | Admissions. I expect you would have no trouble with credits transferring. My kid had dual enrollment credits from a local community college in AZ and they all transferred except one math class, and that was because it was considered pre-calculus and Hope wouldn’t give credit for math classes below calculus.
Hope has voluntary chapel 3X per week, and lots of faith related activities, although they have had to be modified for the pandemic. They expect to be back to mostly normal operations in the Fall.
Small Groups | Campus Ministries. My kid doesn’t participate in any of that but many students definitely do.
Thank you so much for the quick response! I had recently visited Hope at a virtual college fair and really liked it, so I am glad to hear further confirmation of its great attributes!
I don’t know anything about pre-Med, but I went to Central College in Iowa, it recently reduced tuition and is a good school and Christian based. Beautiful Dutch town. Dordt University and Northwestern College also very good and very Christian. (These are also Dutch Reformed.) DD’s BF is at Dordt and growing in his faith.
Concordia in MN or NE are Lutheran. We looked at Concordia Seward for the girls and I would have loved for them to be in that environment if other factors had worked out.
DD’19 is at a regional public but in a Bible Study, goes to Church, does line dancing with the Catholics, and sampled a couple other Christian groups, so there are options no matter where you go.
@ffairbai Hope College just today posted a new campus tour video: The Official Hope College Campus Tour | Hope College Admissions - YouTube