Science (particularly biological science) can be a tough field to make a career out of. Math (and statistics) may give more options (e.g. finance, actuarial, operations research, high school math teaching). Writing about science and math takes skill at writing and knowledge and understanding of science and math; not sure what the career outlook of that may be.
GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub can help recalculate GPAs for UC and CSU (CSU uses the same GPA as the UC weighted-capped, except that a semester college course counts as two courses instead of one like at UC).
If weighted-capped GPA is 3.00-3.39, then UCM is probably low match to likely, UCR and UCSC are probably low reach, while other UCs are reach to high reach, according to Freshman fall admissions summary | University of California (click admit rate and HS GPA, then select campuses). These are not major-specific; at some campuses, some majors are more selective. Note that non-California residents must have a weighted-capped GPA of at least 3.40 to be eligible for admission to UCs.
Many CSUs should be match, likely, or safety for admission. Unfortunately, many are not transparent about past admission thresholds. SJSU ( Freshmen Impaction Results | Admissions ) and CSUN ( ) are among the more transparent ones.