<p>What are good questions to ask during an information session when one visits a school?</p>
<p>We've visited some schools but usually people just ask like the basic, obvious questions which are often answered already on the website...</p>
<p>What are good questions to ask during an information session when one visits a school?</p>
<p>We've visited some schools but usually people just ask like the basic, obvious questions which are often answered already on the website...</p>
<p>Ask them about their alcohol policy, what kind amnesty do they offer to students, and if they allow local police on their campus. Town Gown relationship.</p>
<p>Ask them about their dorm situation? Are they over crowded?</p>
<p>Ask them about their endowment situation, how much money have they lost in the recent market crash, what’s the impact on their financial aid.</p>
<p>What’s their career center like? What companies recruit on campus? Pre-med, Pre-law placement.</p>
<p>How much time do students spend studying? What happens on Thursday nights?
What type of kid is your school NOT for?
Support for both Mac and PC computers?</p>
<p>Ask questions specific to your kid. If she’s a dancer, ask about dance facilities. A writer, ask about the strength of the student newspaper.</p>
<p>Ds always asks about intramural sports.</p>
<p>Great question.</p>
<p>Thanks! These are great questions. I’m learning that there’s soooo much I don’t know. yet.</p>
<p>I would ask the admissions officer why the school has the freshman retention rate it does. Why do students leave? </p>
<p>Ask a student (a student tour guide is fine) how helpful and receptive s/he finds the administration. Also, ask what students are least/ and most happy about. In addition, I would ask what the student thought were the strongest and weakest majors. Finally, I would ask the student why s/he chose that school. </p>
<p>Oh, and if you have a younger child who is not quite into the whole college visit thing have him/ her compare the toilet paper. Seriously. You can tell a lot about the school by the school’s toilet paper and by extension its bathrooms.</p>
<p>Why don’t you publish your common data set (if they don’t)?</p>
<p>What is the average student debt upon graduation?</p>
<p>Does your finaid office practice “preferential packaging”?</p>