Good SAT IIs vs Rough SAT?

<p>I have a 1700 SAT I score (W:630 M:470 CR:600). I'm useless at math, honestly.</p>

<p>Most of the schools I want to get into don't really look at Subject Tests save 1 (George Washington) but, since I have a weaker GPA (3.4-3.5), I wanted to take some subject tests to improve my chances of getting into these schools a little bit. My earliest priority deadline for some of my schools is Nov. 1st and the 2nd test date is after this.</p>

<p>If I retake the SAT and then do a subject test after the deadline will I be able to tell them that my scores are on the way? Or, if I take the Math SAT II and do well on it, will that make-up for my rough SAT I score in that area?</p>


<p>I forgot to mention that George Washington’s deadline isn’t until January so, that won’t be affected if decide to take the SAT I 1st. I’m just worried about the other schools who have earlier deadlines.</p>

<p>If you take the subject test after the deadline I highly doubt they’ll accept it.</p>

<p>Also, with a 470 on SAT math, I wouldn’t push for Math II just yet. I would suggest reviewing your math topics and then taking the SAT I again.</p>

<p>Thank you for your help!</p>