good school?

<p>I was wondering what the general opinion is of loyola? My number one choice is the University of Chicago, due to the fact that it really is the closest match to my tastes, etc. I am very involved in music ministry at church, and my choir director is leaving to go to work at Loyola, to be the choir director and organist as well as help to start a substantial liturgical music program there...I know that I want to attend University of Chicago if I get enough financial aid/scholarships....but, if I can't, does Loyola have a good enough reputation for me to easily decide on it as my second choice (especially the honors program)? General overview of my stats: 34 ACT, 2170 SAT, 4.0 UW GPA, 4.74 W GPA, lots of ECs ranging from music to newspaper to community service....would Loyola be able to give me significant aid? Should I be considering it as my second choice, or should other schools come first? The other schools I am for sure considering are Knox College, Lawrence University, and Illinois Wesleyan...where does Loyola (honors) stand in relation to these other schools?</p>

<p>I would say Loyola is a SAFETY for you. You are in no matter what.</p>

<p>Yeah for sure</p>