Good schools for Geomatics/Land Surveying?


I am interested in pursuing land surveying as a career, so I am currently looking for schools with good geomatics/land surveying majors. I have been able to find some schools with that major (Maine, Oregon Tech, UF, etc) but I am not sure which of these programs would be the best fit for me. I am looking for
A - a school with a good program (good job/internship placement,
good starting salary, rigorous/useful program,)
B - a school where I could start taking actual surveying classes
early in college (few gen eds/core classes)
C - a school where I could get a lot of scholarships - close to a full
ride (I have a 4.0/36, probably will be NMF)

I would really appreciate any help. Thanks!

That is an uncommon major. Here is one list:

It should be pretty short work for you to click through these and find out which have scholarship money available for you.

If you do become NMF, Florida is the way to go. If the Benacquisto scholarship remains, it is a full ride (plus).

The U of Wyoming would give you a lot of money.