Good Study Areas?

<p>Last year I studied a lot on N. Campus at the Dude in the private rooms and loved it - nice and quiet. Now I will be more on C. Campus. Anyone know any really good study spots? Preferably anywhere there are small, personal rooms? Thanks!</p>

<p>Hatcher Graduate library has small cubicles for private studying. I studied there a lot since I was on central campus for most of my classes.</p>

<p>Do you reserve them?</p>

<p>I don’t believe so. There are tons of them, but they get crowded around finals.</p>

<p>I did most of my studying in the law library or in the music practice rooms in the basement of east quad-- there was almost never anyone down there and the music practice rooms are little semi-sound proof cubicles with a desk, chair, and outlet. There was once a choir practice in the dance studio next door to the practice rooms but otherwise I never encountered any musicians.</p>

<p>Law Library. Silent. Magnificent spot.</p>

<p>Music practice rooms sound awesome if there is no sining that is, ha.</p>

<p>i thought the law library doesn’t allow anyone that isn’t a law student at michigan</p>

<p>that will be wasting $ to operate a building just for a few hundred students</p>



<p>Incorrect. Anyone with a pulse can walk into any building anywhere at Michigan (except on the weekends where you need to scan your Mcard to get into a few places).</p>