Good summer intensives for musical theatre?

Hi! Recently this summer I (a rising junior) did a quick summer program at Berklee - I think that it was called the Musical Theatre Workshop? It wasn’t some sort of fancy precollege program, so it definitely felt a lot different than what other programs are described like. We were completely independent and were in classes for twelve hours, but it was only five days so it’s not totally the same. Next year I’ll be a rising senior, so I’m interested in doing a bit more of a rigorous program that’s longer too. I’ve been looking into the BOCO MTAI along with the OCU three week program so far, but are there any other good ones? I’m not looking for more than three/four weeks based on both financial reasons and also what my parents are willing to let me do. Does anyone know any good ones? I really appreciate it!

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There are a lot of good 3-4 week programs. One good way to find them is to search acceptd for summer programs. The ones that come to mind from personal knowledge are Nexus and SSTI.


My daughter spent 2 weeks at OCU in the Pre-College Audition Intensive last summer, before her senior year. She loved it, and thought the content was very good/helpful if you plan on college auditions for MT. It is solely focused on prepping students for college auditions, no showcase or shows. She’s knee deep in the college application process now and has felt pretty well prepared since doing the OCU Intensive plus working with her coaches to prep prescreens. She did not stay for the 3-week program, which is more focused on producing a show (though it looked really fun/fantastic, but she had some friends that did both programs for 5 weeks.) This summer, you should have more in-person options for great summer programs. Good luck!