Good Summer Theatre Programs

<p>Does anyone have suggestions for good summer theatre programs? The only ones I could really find were for high school students or rising college freshmen.Thank you very much!</p>

<p>I went to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts Summer Intensive back in 2006. The age range on average was about 17-25. Some kids weren’t going to school for acting, some wanted to in college, some weren’t in college at all, so it was a nice mix of people. You get assigned to a group which you stick with for all of your classes the entire seven weeks that you’re there so you really grow close. </p>

<p>We never knew how the groups were divided up whether it was based on talent, age, etc. Our group in particular wa very diverse. We had three brits, one guy from Greece, one girl from Malaysia, two from the deep south, one from the midwest and me and three others who were from the northeast so it was a wide array of dialects in our group which made it very fun!</p>

<p>You take classes in acting, movement, voice and speech, and singing (or as they called it vocal production) and then there were also other classes in musical theatre audition technique and career counseling. They offer other extra classes too but they change every year. </p>

<p>I found it to be a great learning experience and it was so amazing spending a summer in NYC, made me all the more happier when I moved here for school two years later!</p>

<p>Circle in the Square Theater School which is in NYC has a summer theater program open to those who are in college and beyond.</p>

<p>I second Susan’s suggestion of CITS. It comes highly recommended from those we know who have attended.</p>

<p>If you’re looking for something a bit more contemporary, SITI (company run by Anne Bogart, author of “…On Directing” and pioneer of the Suzuki Method, etc. etc. etc.) and Watermill (Robert Wilson’s company) both run summer programs that are supposed to be phenomenal. And I speak as an Australian who has friends who flew from Australia to attend (both college students and practicing professionals).</p>

<p>Kiarasharee, what age ranges are you looking for? Most intensive summer theatre programs are around high school aged. Younger than that, it’s more of a camp setting than real training. Much older, and you’re better off trying for an internship.</p>

<p>Look at the Broadway Theater Project. It’s one of the top summer training intensives in the country for both High School and College students. Many Broadway and dance stars teach, give workshops, and it’s a great way to make connections. I had a friend who went and she absolutely loved it. It’s by audition only I believe.</p>

<p>I assumed that the OP wanted theatre/acting and so while BTP is great, I would only suggest it for someone more into MT training. </p>

<p>vwilson…I disagree with you that theater intensives that are for younger than HS (which often include HS age kids as well) are simply more like camp than “real training”. My daughter went to Stagedoor Manor for 8 summers. She learned a great deal about her field and got good training. In fact, she, along with MANY of her peers there got into the top BFA programs in the field, and those who have come after her, have also done so. Many have won top national awards and many have gone onto Broadway, National Tours, and the like. The ones who I know who have attended have not thought of it as inferior training for youth 10-18. The training and experience gleaned here has been significant in my daughter (now age 20)'s life.</p>

<p>Where are you? East Coast? West Coast?</p>

<p>Vwilson87, I am 19 years old, but I will be 20 this summer, so I am definitely looking for programs for college aged students.</p>

<p>Chrissyblu, I am located on the east coast, more specifically Virginia.</p>

<p>NYU!!! </p>

<p>I believe they have fabulous programs (even international!) in which other college students can participate in the summer. They’re long, and expensive. But they look GREAT!</p>

<p>The American Shakespeare Center in Staunton, Virginia offers a wonderful program called Young Company. You do not have to audition to apply, but you do have to fill out an extensive questionnaire and get a teacher to recommend you. The program is rigorous and provides training as well as the opportunity to perform at the Blackfriar’s Theater there. The students who participate also see professional performers tread the boards at ASC four times a week or more, and to work with them. It truly is an amazing experience.</p>

<p>How much are these summer camps?</p>

<p>The cost varies widely. Here is a link to info on ASC’s YCTC:</p>

<p>[ASC</a> - YCTC and the American Shakespeare Center](<a href=“]ASC”></p>

<p>The only drawback to ASC’s YCTC program is that the top age is 18. It only seems like a college level program! My D is glad that she still has two more summers, and may return after wards as counselor.</p>

<p>The same folks who put out the Directory of Theatre Training Programs also put out a guide to Summer Theatre employment and training programs. I haven’t gotten it yet, but it looks like it might be useful.</p>

<p>[Theatre</a> Directories - Summer Theatres - Regional Theatres - Theatre Training Programs](<a href=“”></p>

<p>The University of Minnesota has an amazing program. It is 2 weeks long in June and VERY reasonable! My daughter did it 2 years ago and my son did it the last year. You work with both BA and BFA teachers - see a show at the Guthrie and other local theatre. I would highly recommend it!</p>

<p>What about tuition and such? Which ones are the cheapest?</p>

<p>I almost sent my now College Soph this summer to Yale University’s theatre program but she got into another program instead. Check out their website.</p>

<p>Mason Gross School of the Arts - New Brunswich NJ</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted and is so excited. It is a summer program that does not seem to get much attention, but it is one of the top BFA Acting schools in the country. They take a total of 36 students, and the program looks very intense. Twelve of which are part of the Musical Theatre Track. It looks impressive. We will let everyone know at the end of the summer of her experience. </p>

<p>Link is [Mason</a> Gross School of the Arts - Theater Arts](<a href=“]Mason”></p>