Good summer writing camps?

<p>I'm definitely planning on applying to Iowa Young Writers Studio (the best writing camp, period, I've heard), but I'd still like to attend one even if I very likely don't get into Iowa.</p>

<p>So what are the other good/prestigious writing camps? I've heard that Kenyon's program is pretty good, yeah? Anything else?</p>


<p>Look at the Carleton College Summer Writing Camp.</p>

<p>is iowa young writers studio prestigious???</p>

<p>Yes it is arox94, but judging by your fluent writing style (“???”) I don’t think you’ll need to consider it.</p>

<p>fireflyscout - Isn’t Carleton’s program for academic essay-writing? I forgot to mention in the OP, but I am only interested in Creative Writing Prose (Fiction, Narratives, Memoirs, just not Poetry).
There’s not much craft involved in academic essay writing anyway… I wouldn’t think that this program is especially prestigious or enjoyable (but maybe I’m wrong).</p>

<p>People might be more helpful if you relaxed a little, OP. I hate to say it, but judging by * your * fluent writing style (“pretty good, yeah?”) you don’t have the right to be condescending to other posters (not that anyone ever does).</p>

<p>Students who attend creative writing summer programs rarely do so because they are “prestigious.” They choose to spend their summers writing because they love it. If you want prestige, shoot for TASP. Otherwise, you’re going to have to look past it and compare the (very different and very interesting) types of programs available. Do you want a college-like class experience? A camp? Seminars? What are your possibilities as far as cost and length?</p>

<p>Places like Interlochen Arts Camp, Iowa, Kenyon, Simon’s Rock, Sewanee, Denison, Walnut Hill, and Columbia are all going to offer very unique experiences.</p>

<p>^and mflevity and I can both vouch for Interlochen, if you’re looking for a camp experience with incredible instruction.</p>

<p>And do you have any specific preferences in program length, location, type of writing, age…? In addition to the ones listed above, I think (could be wrong) that UVA has a program as well. You might also want to take prestige out of the running as a requirement. The most prestigious summer programs, unfortunately, are usually science or math based.</p>

<p>Thanks for that list mflevity, that was very helpful.</p>

<p>Your questions?
Length of camp: I don’t care.
Cost: A couple thousand is the ceiling (3-4, maybe)</p>

<p>I’m an 11th grade male, looking for a nice writing program that will allow me to write creative fiction, I would assume that the Workshop format is the best method for that? The camp also must enjoy taking long walks on the beach and having frequent candle-lit dinners.</p>

<p>I feel like I would like Kenyon, Sewanee, Denison and Walnut Hill (but latter is mad expensive).</p>

<p>Simon’s Rock I am turned off from because of the reputation of its college, Columbia I couldn’t find much information on, it seems like its Writing Program is just one aspect/class of its Precollege Summer Program. If so, doubt I’d be interested. And Interlochen sounds nice except it requires me to send in two categories of writing (poetry, fiction, play) and while it would be neat to learn about poetry and playwrighting at any camp I go to (this is definitely not a requirement for me, however) I doubt I would be able to write any poem or play that is remotely decent to submit. Also Interlochen is ridiculously expensive.</p>

<p>But thanks for the info, I think I have a good idea of other programs that I should at least apply to, now.</p>

<p>^ mcgoogly there are different styles of writing one style is online writing, not in emails, but in instant messages, facebook, aim etc… maybe some people like excessive use of punctuation online…<br>
^mflevity , do u know of any programs like TASP for rising sophomores, it doesn’t necessarily have to be as prestigious</p>

<p>There’s TASS, which is sponsored by the same organization and very similar to TASP, only for sophomores: [Telluride</a> Association: Our Programs: For High School Students: Sophomore Seminar (TASS): General Information](<a href=“]Telluride”></p>

<p>no, now i’m a freshman next year i will be a sophomore</p>

<p>Ah, excellent! You have time yet to learn and apply (proper) punctuation usage!
Keep at it and you’ll be on your way to TASP in no time, arox94!</p>

<p>I think my punctuation use is fine. Thank you very much!!!</p>

<p>I’m looking to do a summer writing program as well but I only have June free. I’ve been searching but it seems like NONE of these programs end before June 30th. Any of you know of any summer writing programs in June for someone going into 12th grade?</p>

<p>rachmit17, look into Iowa’s Session I and the Reynolds workshop at Denison.</p>

<p>everyone should just go to Iowa (iowa young writers studio). Period.</p>

<p>haha, sorry, i guess that wasn’t helpful. i just want to let you all know that it is a remarkable program. you’re taught by graduates of the Iowa Writers Workshop-- arguably the most prestigious MFA writing program in the country. if anyone has questions on it, let me know.</p>

<p>oh, i should mention i was there last summer. im currently a senior, and i was in the fiction class.</p>

<p>Out of the Iowa workshop and the Denison workshop, which one would you say is more difficult to be accepted to? And which one would you say holds more prestige?</p>

<p>Why do you care about presige? Do it because you love to write. It’s like what everyone says on the boarding school thread, go to the one that you think you’d enjoy the most.</p>

<p>I agree completely musicallylatin, I asked that more because I am curious about the difficulty of getting into both programs. I’m nearing the edge of both deadlines and I’m trying to figure out which one would be a flat out rejection and which one holds the slightest possibility of acceptance for me so that I don’t get my hopes up or not apply because I think it’s too prestigious</p>

<p>^ Ha. Oh ok. I can’t answer your question, but thanks for clearing up mine. :)</p>