Good 'target/likely' UG Classics programs

If you can articulate what your D loves about Brown we can probably help…

And I would not worry about competition math. That’s a subset that gets a lot of play on CC but not in the real world (mother of a math major who wasn’t into competition math).

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Thank you very much for your offer! DD25 is 2 years away so haven’t launched a full court press yet. Will definitely take her to see Brown at some point. Chicago might suit her as well, but I am leery of the crime.

This admission season is winding down for DD22 and it’s been good for DD25 (and younger sibs) to see it play out for DD22. They are really starting to see that a coherent narrative for the common app is important.

I shouldn’t count my chickens, but am of course hoping that DD25 continues current trajectory.

You might be interested in this article: Schools Similar to Brown University — TKG

And the CC community’s reaction to it: For Students Looking for Schools Like Brown

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