Gosh this forum is dead!!!

<p>Is anyone else applying this year?
I applied RD and I can't wait to find out if I get in or not. I hope I do, it's currently my first choice.</p>

<p>I applied RD too. I am wondering why they only downloaded my supplement,not with commonapp .
If it’s your first choice,why not try ED to get in at a better chance?
I love Oxy, But I am an intl need financial Aid.</p>

<p>My guess for why they only downloaded the supplement is because they wanted to see if your were applying ED or RD. Once they saw that you were applying RD, then they decided to wait until sometime closer to January to download your app.
I didn’t apply ED because I’ve never been to LA, so I’m not 100% sure that I would like it there. In retrospect, I really wish that I had visited Oxy:(</p>

<p>Giggitus: LA is AMAZING. You have the sun and the sand most of the year, but sometimes it does get cold and rain a little bit. But mostly it’s a full year of amazing weather. LA is so close and you can go downtown, to Hollywood, WeHo, Malibu, Venice Beach, Old Town Pasadena, and tons of other places all the time. And of course, Oxy is amazing! I really love being here and if you have any questions, let me know! =)</p>

<p>Was wondering if Eagle Rock Plaza is a hang out for the students there? The ability to get his hands on lumpia and pancit would be a plus for my son, so he was pleasantly surprised to find a ChowKing and Seafood City nearby. He has grown to love it here in N California.</p>

<p>Kumitedad, I saw you on the Whitman forum. I have kids at Oxy and Whitman and my D is applying to both this year (among others)…both great schools!</p>

<p>Hey Aussenseiter, Oxy downloaded my common app on the 12th, you should check if they’ve downloaded yours yet.
letscrshtheparty, I sent you a pm with a few ?s about life at Oxy</p>

<p>I think the Oxy forum, like the Whitman forum, is relatively quiet because neither school is into the uber-competetive culture that drives some other places (and a lot of CC kids and parents)and therefore prompt a lot of postings. Both schools have a laid back, collaborative approach that is very healthy I think. I’m a Oxy alum with Whittie offspring (one now a student, another applying). I don’t think you can go wrong with either place.</p>

I have actually never heard of anyone hanging out there. It’s a mall with a Target, Seafood City (which I also love!), Chuck E Cheese, Macys, and then a bunch of other regular mall stores, but I have never gone there to hang out. If people want to go to a mall they usually go to Glendale Galleria, it’s much bigger and only a few more miles down the road. However, alot of us go there to shop for stuff and as far as I know there could be a bunch of people who I just don’t know who go there to hang out, haha.</p>

<p>More people need to post about Oxy. :O</p>

<p>I’m hoping to submit my stuff later this week. My essays are finished but I’m going to polish them as much as I can so I can put my best foot forward. I’m sort of worried because admission to Oxy is getting increasingly competitive and I’d hate to be denied because I was too impatient to fine tune my essays.</p>

<p>Random question: did any of your refer to Occidental as ‘Oxy’ in your essays? I did a few times. I wanted to cut down on character count. =[ It’s difficult to sum up why I like Oxy in 500 characters!</p>

<p>Yeah I said “Oxy” twice</p>

<p>Oxy alum here. I thought, “of course you would refer to it as Oxy in an essay”. </p>

<p>The only time I have ever referred to it as Occidental is when I am talking to someone who has never heard of the school. </p>

<p>By the way, I don’t really have any pertinent info about the place currently, I graduated long ago, when the Eagle Rock Plaza was new. We didn’t have time to ‘hang out’ anywhere, we were busy with our studies and sports.</p>


<p>Yep my son will be having interview with both, one next month and one in Jan. Fingers crossed</p>

<p>We are going to visit Oxy in March. My D is a sophomore, but she is eager to begin looking at colleges, and Oxy is one of her top choices. We’ll also visit Pomona, Pitzer, and Disneyland while we are there. :)</p>

<p>Ditto, oregonianmom. They’re all great schools and I hope to visit all of them. Except I don’t know if I can talk my parents in to visiting Disneyland. =[ I’ve interviewed for all three except Pitzer so far. Their interview is sometime in January, I think. The Oxy interview went really well, probably one of my best so far. The admissions was really cool and helpful.</p>

<p>Kumitedad, I’ll keep my fingers crossed, too! I think he’ll find the interviews very comfortable and casual.</p>

<p>Who was your interviewer Shuffle?</p>

<p>Brett Shraeder. I remember because he gave me a fancy business card afterwards. :D</p>

<p>lol. I had Sally Richmond, she was really cool</p>


<p>The area we are in my S grew up loving pancit, lumpia and Adobo. With a Seafood City and Goldilocks nearby, well thats his idea of comfort food. And if he gets into Oxy, it might make him a little less homesick</p>