So I got a 3.04 GPA
EnglishB 4 cred
CalcA 4 cred
ChemC 4 cred
BioB 4 cred
Chem recitation B 1 cred
Independent science studyA- 1 cred
So obviously Chem was my worst class. Which is my fault for not keeping up with the material.
SO what do I do now? Should I retake chem 1 and drop Chem 2 and wait until next year? take it at another school over the summer? I’m nervous about Chem 2 since it builds on Chem 1 and i bombed that.
Not really looking for consolation (but it would help) just advice.
MD schools do not allow grade replacement so with a C there is no benefit to the retake. If the C is really just due to not keeping up with the material, what are you going to do differently to keep up with it this time? For example after I got a C in orgo 1 for slacking off I got a tutor so that I could review orgo 1 at the beginning of orgo 2 and kept the tutor all the way through orgo 2. Got a B in orgo 2 (actually had an A going into the final). Keep in mind brown has no +/- so probably just went from A- to B+ in more standard grading)
What are you going to do about the B in bio too?
S ended up with GPAs under 3.2 at end of first year. He eventually got 3 acceptances. Don’t give up, but you’ve dug a hole and you need to stop digging. There’s still time to move GPA needles up to a competitive level. Can you get straight As from now on? I’m not trying to insult you and say you can’t, but it’s hard to get straight As, and every grade below an A at this point will make it that must harder for you. Instead of “traditional pathway” (applying after junior year with intent to start med school after graduating), you may have to graduate (and maybe some post grad) to take enough courses to move GPA needles up. You’ll probably need to take UD science courses and do well (think As) to help convince adcoms you can handle difficult science courses. While trying to raise GPAs, you’ll also somehow need to fit MCAT prep and actually rock MCAT, and think about ECs. Don’t rule out DO option. Good luck.
Only you know if you aren’t yet strong in Chemistry. sounds like you’re not. I think you should retake it, but understand that there isn’t grade replacement, but it will serve to make you stronger in Chem.
You do have to ace Chem because med schools will expect that for a retake.
Others can chime in, but both grades will count…but at least if you do get an A, then that C effectively becomes like a B…and the retake becomes a B. Others can correct me if I’m wrong.
Are you prepared to get an A?
Would a different better prof be available?
I don’t think you should just move on…you could end up with another C…or worse.
I think our dear friend IWBB went to a very strong HS prep school, so he may have had a stronger foundation going into Chem, but just got (whisper…lazy…wink), so that may be why he was able to move on with some tutor prep.
If you didn’t have a similar foundation - and frankly, most students don’t - then you could be in for a repeat C performance. 
Oh wow, for some reason I thought OP was talking about orgo and thus assumed that since it’s the first semester he/she must have a similarly strong intro chem background to get into orgo as a freshman.
You’re right about me, and that’s worth noting, but my high school chem did not cover the orgo 1 material I was responsible for at Brown (e.g. chirality, Sn1, Sn2, E1, E2, synthesis etc.). So while yes, I knew my intro chemistry backwards and forwards, I still had to go into orgo 2 after failing the orgo 1 final and getting a C in the course. Not exactly a strong orgo foundation for orgo 2. I guess it depends what “not keeping up with the material” means. Does it mean “I couldn’t keep up because chemistry was too hard/difficult and I had other classes to work on” or does it mean “I couldn’t keep up because I was busy pledging a frat and competing in my first season as a D1 athlete so I never did any work except the week before the exams”