i had all a’s in my major prep classes and gen eds but just got a c in my first calc based physics class. So now my cumulative gpa is 3.85. I go to community college and want to transfer to ucsd next year for mechanical engineering. Am I completely screwed now? Please give me some advice!!
So what’s your major GPA? How low did that fall?
At the very least, this should be a wake-up call, both as to what you want to do and how you plan to get there.
3.85 is still good but if this is your math class think twice about transferring to schools that are tops in math. UCSD is very strong in math. Heck my kid got her first B in math at UCSD.
Maybe aiming lower tiered schools.
Major gpa is now 3.65
@DrGoogle i love math and got all a’s in my math classes (calc 2,3 diff eqs, and linear algebra) i got the c in physics
Physics is hard but for engineering major a C in physics does not look good. Unfortunately you need to take more Physics for engineering major. Do you know why you get a C? Not understanding the material or what?
I was overloaded that semester and the prof is notoriously hard
@randomguy99, I assume you have more physics to take? Do well in the next physics course to offset the C. I don’t believe one C grade ruins anyone’s chances. It really depends on how the future courses line up. I would definitely still apply to UCSD, just work on a plan to offset the C.