Got a virus over msn, computer wiz, please help

<p>i don't have anti-virus, or recovery,
the virus is doing something really wierd, it won't let me install Norton Antivirus, and once it was installed, the virus could not be quarantined, and the other day, i opened windows media player, there was some weird video clip on it i have never seen -_-?
any recommendations?</p>

<p>If you have your window's disc, i suggest you should reformat your PC.</p>

<p>If you don't wish to or can't reformat you PC, please post here so I can give you more complicated methods to get rid of the virus.</p>

<p>Oh to make things easier, do you happen to know the name of the virus you are infected with?</p>

<p>Reformating is the best way. Even if you managed to recover it with a virus program.. your computer will be slow and after a while it will not even boot up.</p>

<p>SONY......can you spell S<em>O</em>N*Y......just a guess.</p>

<p>I remember the virus is like something .wd something when i first scanned it, then it disabled my antivirus i think, so i tried installing norton again, and it says MSI must be running for Norton to install, so i tried to go to Norton's page to look up MSI, but all the antivirus website seem to be blocked by the virus!!! :(
please help me!!!</p>

<p>Wow, that is indeed a very tough virus. I wouldn't mess around with it further and simply reformat your PC. It appears as if the virus has already spread through your entire system.</p>

<p>reformat? hmmm.... wouldn't i loose everything?
thanks for the response :)</p>

<p>so you didn't do any backing up?</p>

<p>Unfortunately you would. You can email all of your test based essays to yourself (if you don't have a Gmail account I can give you one) but I wouldn't try to save everything else on a disc to avoid carrying the virus across as well.</p>

<p>but thats the best option I can think of. This is indeed not an ordinary virus. May I ask who sent you the virus? Do you know the person?</p>

<p>why not try an online virus scanner? search google for trend micro, or "online virus scanner"</p>

<p>At this point I don't think any ordinary scanner can completely eliminate the virus.</p>

<p>even finding out what virus it is can be really helpful- it would be best to try to get rid of the virus before being hasty and reformatting IMO</p>

<p>did you try entering in Safe Mode and then finding using a suitable Virus scanner?
Too bad its so along....a system restore prolly wont help</p>

<p>Also as said above....what kind of virus is it? How'd you get it?</p>