Got accepted, have questions.

I got accepted to the class of 2022, but on my decision letter I did not see anything about scholarships. I didn’t do my FAFSA until the other day and the portal says GW hasn’t received it yet (although I got the FAFSA email that said it processed and was sent). Does this mean I did not get any scholarships? Or do I have to wait for them to review my FAFSA?


It can take a few weeks for them to process FAFSA’s. When I did mine, they also said they needed the CSS profile as well and my parents’ tax forms and W2s. Everyone’s is different, but I would try to see if you need to send in anything else.

I’m RD so I haven’t heard back yet, but from every other school I’ve applied to they’ve waited until they got my FAFSA before sending out scholarships. I haven’t seen anything about scholarships on other threads so maybe they haven’t given out any.

@rosebudd21 is right- financial aid packages come a little later. Don’t stress it yet- LOTS of accepted get aid, and the only way you wouldn’t get ANY is if your parents are very wealthy and/or your stats were less than stellar.

I emailed them and they said I did not receive a merit scholarship if I was not notified in my acceptance letter.

If I get decent financial aid I might still attend. But the price tag is hard to overcome without scholarships.

I don’t want to be the student that pulls out of an ED agreement even if I do have a valid reason, too expensive.

Time will tell.

@northeastern22 I also had problems with my financial aid, and it literally updated and said they had everything the morning decisions were released. I didn’t think I got any scholarships because it didn’t mention any in my acceptance letter, but about 20 minutes later I got an email to check GWeb and both my financial aid and a $19k merit scholarship were in there. I’m not sure why they told you that you didn’t get any merit if it wasn’t in your acceptance letter, because I can assure you that there was no money mentioned in mine and I still got a hefty scholarship! Once your financial aid is processed I think you still have a shot at a scholarship! Don’t lose hope!

@brenda13467 Thanks, that’s some good news.

I got accepted and have a few more steps until I can fully enroll.
I want to ask finaid to waive my enrollement fee but not sure how to word it and ask to appeal for more aid. I know that need based kids can appeal for a one year-award but not sure how to word it either
What are the next steps after enrollement? (dorm choosing, random roomate vs picking a roomie, placement testing, best classes/ schedule for a bio major
When is admitted students day?
Is my minor still my minor bc i picked it as a second choice school? Trying to transfer into public health soph year

Also if i get into a program (womens leadership) does that mean I have to accept it?

@physics007 No, you don’t have to accept the WLP.

And no, you don’t have a minor. Technically, you don’t have a major, either, until you declare it sophomore year.

As far as roommate picking, a lot of students meet similar people on class groups on social media. Some also meet future roommates at CI.