<p>okay, so i got accepted into csuf, and then i did my fafsa. my efc=0 and i just read something about collethough... is it possible for them to "drop" me? and, how much do you think i will be getting from fafsa and the cal grants and etc.? not including housing</p>
<p>sorry, something went wrong with the message. i meant: “okay, so i got accepted into csuf, and then i did my fafsa. my efc=0 and i just read something about colleges not accepting applicants because of low income. is it possible for them to “drop” me? and, how much do you think i will be getting from fafsa and the cal grants and etc.? not including housing”</p>
<p>No. It’s a public university. It does not make acceptance decisions in any way based on the financial circumstances of the student. No worries about that.</p>
<p>As to how much you’ll get in grant aid from the gov’t – probably $5500 from the Pell grant. Not sure about other smaller federal grants or Cal grants.</p>
<p>'rent is right…</p>
<p>You’ve been accepted. Calif publics are need blind. (But, either way, schools don’t “drop” a student after acceptance because of need.)</p>
<p>You’ll get the full Pell ($5450), but there are different types of Cal-grants and different thresholds for income and aid amounts. [California</a> Student Aid Commission - Cal Grant Program Summary](<a href=“http://www.csac.ca.gov/doc.asp?id=568]California”>http://www.csac.ca.gov/doc.asp?id=568)</p>
<p>You should call your CSU Fullerton and ask what kind of aid you can expect.</p>
<p>You will likely still have to take out a Stafford student loan (which will likely be in your aid package) if you plan on living on campus. Typically “free aid” from Calif schools do not cover all costs of tuition, room, board, books, etc.</p>
<p>Wait, if his EFC=0, doesnt that mean his parents must make <70000 a year. And if so, don’t the Calif public schools waive tuition for California residents. With the Pell Grant and Stafford Loans, won’t he be able to cover his R+B costs?</p>
<p>Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m unsure about this.</p>
<p>That would be cool. I don’t know that much about CA state aid and such. I left CA ten years ago.</p>
<p>sorry, im a complete newbie to all this financial stuff but gapyear, whats r and b? and what are stafford loans?</p>
<p>See, I’m not totally sure.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/823785-low-income-tuition-waived.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/823785-low-income-tuition-waived.html</a></p>
<p>[UC</a> Blue and Gold Opportunity - Am I Eligible?](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/blueandgold/eligible.html]UC”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/blueandgold/eligible.html)</p>
<p>You have to
a) see that you qualify
b) find out if the Pell Grant and this Cal award is stackable (meaning they can both be used to cover more than tuition)</p>
<p>R+B is room and board.</p>
<p>R & B is room and board…</p>
<p>Stafford loans are federally insured student loans that are offered to help cover student costs.</p>
<p>Here’s the Financial Aid (FA) page for CSUF… [Financial</a> Aid Main Page](<a href=“404: File Not Found - Office of Financial Aid | CSUF”>Office of Financial Aid - Office of Financial Aid | CSUF)</p>
<p>[CSUMentor</a> - Financial Aid](<a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU) I think there is some kind of CSU FA calculator on here.</p>
<p>Pell and Cal grants are stackable. But, I don’t know if those are used towards the tuition costs. I also don’t know if Blue and Gold applies to CSU schools.</p>
<p>I really think Ladyymargaret needs to call CSUF FA office and ask about what aid is available for a EFC 0 California resident.</p>
<p>Blue and Gold is only for the UC system.</p>
<p>[UC</a> Blue and Gold Opportunity](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/blueandgold/]UC”>Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan | UC Admissions)</p>
<p>That’s what I thought.</p>
<p>What is Calif’s policy for kids from lowish income families who are going to CSUs? Or is the assumption that Pell and Cal Grants are pretty much all they can offer for low income students?</p>
<p>I am not sure of the COA at CSUs, but it must be less than the UCs of $25k-30k and with a Pell & Full Cal grant you are at $13-14k…living at home perhaps? CSUF is a big commuter school, this kid may do okay.</p>
<p>What about ACG?</p>
<p>Pell and Cal Grant (the tuition allowance portion) nearly covered my whole tuition at a UC and then I was given a UCSC grant to top it off (around $1,000 I think? Note that I transferred in winter quarter so this does not count for fall, only winter and spring). Before the Cal Grant was applied, I had a large UCSC grant (in addition to the Pell) and a smallish UC Blue and Gold grant to top things off. Blue and Gold was removed once my tuition was fully covered through other grants.</p>
<p>So I would assume that Pell and Cal Grant (after the freshman year for the latter) should be more than enough to cover tuition at a CSU. My guess is the CSUs also have their own institutional aid to hand out as necessary just as the UCs do as well (granted, minimum amounts due to our fun budget crisis, but there is possibly some). But I have nothing to confirm this since I’ve never personally dealt with the CSUs.</p>
<p>I am not aware of any other programs for California residents that are designed to meet need.</p>
<p>Blue and Gold was removed once my tuition was fully covered through other grants.</p>
<p>That’s what I was thinking happened with UCs. I didn’t think that students got Blue & Gold to cover tuition and then Pell + Cal G to put towards R & B.</p>
<p>I don’t think the Cal States have much institutional aid to give out because their endowments are smallish and their enrollments are huge.</p>
<p>… whats ACG? just so you guys know (: im going to the csuf campus to talk to someone about what kind of aid ill be receiving. and all you guys answered a lot of my questions. do you guys think i might be forced to take a loan?? and okay, you know how i got accepted to csuf? well… i got a d in my science class first semester. i got accepted before semester ended i think, my gpa is still above 2.5, do you think they could “drop” me??</p>
<p>Does CSUF ask for mid-year reports? Or just year-end reports?</p>
<p>If you can bring your grade up by year-end, then it might not be a problem.</p>
<p>Is this class necessary for CSUF? Do you have other science classes that fulfill their req’t?</p>
<p>Let us know how the meeting with the CSUF FA office goes. Bring your SAR with you. :)</p>
<p>Where are you seeing ACG?</p>
<p>ACG = academic competitiveness grant and can be offered to some students with qualifying HS coursework and grades. I brought it up because it is one more thing to check into. (and the SMART grant for years 3/4) These are very complex to administer and it is wise for students to let the finaid dept know if they believe they are eligible, but do not see the award offered.</p>
<p>[Student</a> Aid on the Web](<a href=“http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/NewPrograms.jsp]Student”>http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/NewPrograms.jsp)</p>
<p>I, too, wondered about the Blue & Gold, sounded mostly like a marketing scam to me, as the CalGrant has historically mimicked the tuition at UCs. The income requirements are similar, so there is a small number of people who would get B&G and not CG.</p>
<p>I don’t think that the Cal Grants are similar to the UC fees anymore. The UC fees are running about $8k (and rising). I could be wrong, but I think the Cal Grants are for a lot less than that. I think they are for less than Pell. But, I could be wrong! :)</p>
<p>Separate from the Pell and the Cal Grant is the SUG – State University Grant – which will cover all the fees for the CSU system (but not fees that are just for CSUF). It’s about $2100 a semester. Given the student is getting the Pell the OP will almost certainly also get the SUG. Those two things come pretty close to covering a big chunk of the fees, books, and room and board, but not all of it. Those <em>plus</em> the Calgrant will be even closer. If you add in a Fed Work study grant, you can get <em>really</em> close to doing it without loans. Typically you can do it with the Perkins loan in addition. </p>
<p>A lot of posters forget about (or are unaware of) the SUG, but it’s really helpful for CSU students at the low end of the EFC pool.</p>
<p>mom2collegekids: well, they ask for seventh semester transcripts, so that that d will show up on the transcript i send them its a part of the a-g requirements. i mean… its just ONE D, dyou think theyll be harsh and drop me?? and mom, they said that i wont be able to find anything out until the end of march
darn. but all the info. you guys gave me was great. im more secure about the aid ill be getting</p>