Got denied Chem E from Purdue, applied for Chem instead, but was advised to put Exploratory Studies

I wish I could help. I know IUPUI has engineering though I’m not sure about Chem E. Did you ask Purdue about their Polytechnic School? The challenge with Chemistry is you’re often competing with pre-med and other pre health related fields. Good luck to you.

Some excellent advice from @MYOS1634

We know a kid rejected at Purdue who is very happy at Bloomington doing CS/Informatics – take a look at IU B website, you might be surprised at what you find.

IU is known as the Business/SS/Hum public school in Indiana, but they have some pretty decent STEM programs too. I think IU actually is underrated by US News.

Wow, thanks for all that advice @MYOS1634 .

So are you saying I kight have a chance of getting off the wait-list? I’m just surprised that that admission counselor could be so misinforming.

As for my dream college, Purdue really is the one. I went on an all day campus visit with a 30 seniors from my school, and I went with my family as well. I loved every single thing about it. The buildings, the campus, the people, and the atmosphere the university itself had… it was just amazing. I’m really devestated I didn’t get in. I already spent a few nights crying over it. But then I realize what’s the point of crying over spilt milk. I guess I do have 1 more final chance though. In fact, can I send you my reconsider essay? I’d really appreciate it if you could critique it.

My parents initially wanted me to go to Rose, but I feel like I’ll have a miserable college life. If I go there, I’d have to commit swimming for them. I mean I guess that’s a positive thing since it’ll give me something to do in such a boring college, but I just didn’t…vibe with it.

As for the SAT, I guess I will retake it. You’re right. What have I got to lose? Anyways, I feel like I’ve already studied enough to where my brain is starting to loathe SAT practice books.

My parents, on the other hand, do not know of my situation at all. I can’t bare to tell them. In fact, they were so excited about me going to Purdue that they wanted to visit the campus with me today. I felt sick to my stomach. I don’t want to disappoint them at all. After this incident, I told my mom about my situation and she got so depressed. I haven’t told me dad yet because…Lord knows how he’ll react. And I’m not saying they are controlling me at all. I love my parents but just don’t want to let them down after they’ve sacrificed to much for me.

I did a semester of Visual Basic and felt like I was hanging on a thread. CompSci is just not my thing. As for Math, I only chose it because my dad is a math professor at IUPUI so the subject comes easy to me. Not the most interesting I like or want to study. But it’s easy and will get me a degree.

Have them reconsider you for Chemistry or Math, as you prefer. Those are easier to get into than Engineering.
Keep looking for schools that have the characteristics you like about Purdue - they seem easy to replicate: great campus, great reputation, great atmosphere…
Sure, PM the “reconsider” essay.
But don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Apply to a variety of schools.

Wishing you lots of luck OP, but wanted to chime in that @MYOS1634 is absolutely correct here. ^^

@MYOS1634 Check your PMs. I sent it last night.

You’re up early !!!
Got your pm.
Right now, you need to know what your parents ’ budget is. Because you signed for Indiana Promise/21st cent scholars they may not have saved anything. In addition, if your dad works for IUPUI, he may have scholarships (like tuition exchange) that allow you to apply to some Private schools and get a huge discount, or some other benefit. You must explore that because deadlines are coming up.
I don’t think people use BAsic anymore. Test yourself with Scratch?

I see. Well, the deadline for Purdue is tomorrow (to be considered for Merit Based Scholarships) so if you could critique my essay before I turn it in that would be wonderful. We are a pretty low income family. My dad is only an adjuct professor so he doesn’t make that much compared to others. I will look into TE today. I never heard of it. Well, maybe I have and just didn’t acknowledge it. I guess I’ll give a shot at Scratch, never heard of it. I’m thinking about taking C++ next semester. I haven’t learned coding for 2 years so I’m really rusty.

Of course you would rather stay in Indiana because of the tuition benefits, however, if you look at out of state private institutions, such as the ones suggested in post #12, there might be some financial aid available which would make an affordable option.