Got in! woo... who else?

<p>Got my package in the mail today.... and i have to say that so far Colorado College wins the biggest f*ing envelope contest for the colleges i've gotten into so far... very satisfying</p>

<p>unfortunately as far as i can tell i qualified for practically NO financial aid(merit or need based) and they offered me some ~$3k/year worthless loan, so odds of me going there are pretty slim.... once i get my other decissions, if CC is my top choice i'm going to have to call and haggle and beg</p>

<p>anyway who else got in? What kind of merit(need-based would be pointless to discuss) aid if any did you get?</p>

<p>Congrats! Thats great you got in! You should talk to them about the finaid for sure. They are supposed to be pretty generous.... I know seveal people who aren't paying anything to go because of the great finaid package. I'm still waiting to hear (I'm a transfer) but I'm so glad you got good news! :-) Good luck with all your other schools too!</p>

<p>Congratulations, flashback87! I'm still waiting to hear. Where do you live? Maybe mine will come today! <em>bounces</em> And good luck kaitlyn! I hope you get in!</p>

<p>My son was accepted and got a good finaid package (~$24K with about $4K in work study and loans). We are in Oregon and received his letter on 3/18. Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>I got in today!! I'm very excited, CC is one of my top 3 choices. My financial aid package was not too great ($4K plus a small loan) but I did get a Trustee's Scholarship which is $28K distributed over 4 years. Yay! Does anyone think they're going to the open house?</p>

<p>just got in! yay</p>

<p>congrats kd056</p>

<p>have any of you visited yet or know if you'll be going</p>

<p>thanks! i visited during december. the campus was beautiful and the weather was great. the students seemed friendly and the tour guides would probably marry the school if it were a person. im thinking about attending the open house, anyone else?</p>

<p>i REALLY want to go to the openhouse... but why the hell does it have to start on a sunday??? i really don't feel like missing two days of school(ya i know dorky, but getting way behind isn't fun)</p>

<p>yeah i agree about the open house missing monday is going to suck...i finally just decided to go though since ill never make a decision on my own haha</p>

<p>i got in, but my finaid package is literally nil. I got some crappy un-subsidized 2300k/yr loan, but that pretty much does nothing. </p>

<p>Has anybody had any success with calling the office? I mean, if I could get some more money then I would go to CC for sure: that's the only thing holding me back at this point.</p>

<p>exact same for me..... i'm middle class... maybe slightly upper middle class at best and pretty much wasn't offered anything... i'm going to go visit thursday, friday and i have an apt w/ the financial aid office where i'm going to get down on my knees and beg for money</p>

<p>w/ the other very generous scholarships i've been offered from trinity university, smu honors and a few so so ones from other schools, it just doens't seem like an overal great deal to go there, but i'm hoping for the best, i'll definitely let yall know how it turns out, i'm not really sure how big their endowment is</p>

<p>I got a 20k scholarship per year from Tulane so I thought I had a decent chance of getting the Trustee Scholarship at CC, the one that is 7k per year. But I didnt. Do you know if sending a letter would help? Do they resassign the scholarships after people tell them they wont be attending?</p>

<p>most schools do not redistribute scholarships, as far as I know.</p>

<p>That sucks about CC: I heard they don't give much money anyways</p>

<p>yeah theyre scholarships are almost exclusively need-based, no merit-based....i got absolutely nothing for that so if i go i will live in the shadow of enormous debt for quite a while...ugh</p>