I’m so glad you’re considering Davidson.<br>
Davidson’s admissions committee has a 5 point scale that they use to evaluate an applicant. 1: Rigor of courses. 2: Success in those courses. 3: Essays. 4: Personality, extracurriculars, etc. 5: Testing. So, most importantly, take the hardest classes you can and do well in your classes. But also note that Davidson is SO not just about numbers. They really take the essays seriously. They love reading the Common App essay and seeing unique ones. When I visited, the admissions counselor told me her favorite essay was one that a girl wrote about her love of peanut butter. Mine was about my love of rhinestones. Now, these are sort of silly topics, but they were serious in execution and showed our personalities. Davidson wants to know who you are and if you are a good fit for the school. Then there’s their supplement, which many interpret as merely a “Why I can follow the honor code” essay. But again, it’s all about showcasing that you are the perfect fit for the school! If you can’t visit, request information, e-mail people, go to a reception in your area. They love seeing interest, too.</p>
<p>Why I chose Davidson: Fun fact-Davidson is the only college besides the Army that offers free laundry service. Drop it off and they’ll return it to you, folded in a paper bag. That’s it.</p>
<p>Just kidding. Sort of. Anyway, I applied to 11 schools regular decision, no early action or decision. I received most of my acceptance letters on the same day. I got 9 acceptances (Bates, Colby, Colgate, Holy Cross, Occidental, Pitzer, Washington and Lee, William and Mary) and made my choice in about 2 minutes. The answer to why I chose Davidson is simply that it fits me the best, and it can offer me the best educational, extracurricular, and social life for my own personal needs. I visited the Davidson campus in June of 2010 when I was an incoming senior. I felt like Davidson really was a community. People came up to my tour guide and hugged her-everyone knew each other. She talked about Skyping with her French professor and going to brunch at her English professor’s house. There were just SO many perks to this school. First off, it’s small. People know you, you know people. Freshman year, they have the time to pair you with a roommate based off the Myers-Briggs personality test and another survey, rather than doing it at random like bigger schools. Its campus is beautiful, and the academics are amazing with LECTURE classes at 30 students. The community is bound by the honor code-we have a commitment ceremony and everything that says we cannot lie, cheat, or steal while on the campus, and we get self-scheduled, unproctored exams which means that your grades are subject to your integrity. Social life is supposed to be great-we have fraternities for the guys and Eating Houses for the girls. Eating Houses are like sororities, but you don’t have to rush and there are no Greek letters-you fill out a form and automatically get into one of the 4 houses. A lot of them do a lot of good charity work. Connor House has done a great deal to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer. That’s another thing, too. I love that Davidson has so many people that do community service. And I knew I would be able to continue dancing at Davidson with the dance team or company, and the student-run Dance Ensemble, which is the biggest organization on campus that people get really involved in. </p>
<p>To put it in one sentence, Davidson really is just the best fit for me. I’ve talked to some of my classmates as well as upperclassmen, and they’ve all been really nice. But Davidson isn’t for everyone-if you’re not willing to work hard and you don’t want to be surrounded by people who love to learn, don’t come. But if you do, then Davidson is a great place to apply to.</p>
<p>I hope that novel was long enough
Sorry. But I love this school, I really do.</p>