<p>I emailed him about the difficulty of EECS and if I should apply (I am applying this fall). Well here's what he sent me, I hope it helps.</p>
<p>It is always difficult to predict one's chances of being admitted. This year, for example, the academic and preparation strength of the applicant pool is about the same as ME. Last year, EECS was much higher. We do not know what the strength of the applicant pool will be until we receive all the applications, by then unfortunately, it is too late to change you selection.</p>
<p>What we have been finding is that applicants are not completing the appropriate number of preparation courses for admission. This is one of the major reasons for denying an applicant, so it is important to know what courses you will need completed for consideration. Following is information for both EECS and ME. If you have any questions after you review this information, please feel free to contact me.</p>
<p>Best wishes and good luck.
R. Giomi</p>
<p>seems to me the main thing is to complete your lower division prep...</p>
<p>Fei, do you mind posting the entire message? I emailed Mr. Giomi over a year ago and I don't think its necessary for me to ask him for information you already have.</p>
<p>I completed all lower div for EECS for fall 2005 :)!!</p>
<p>that's the entire message...and he just attached the requirements for ME and EECS...you can find that in the UCB website..if you can't I will post it..</p>
<p>so basically what I got out of it is...suppose someone has a higher gpa than you but hasn't done all the lower prep he/she will be rejected...the gpa difference should be minimum I am guessing..</p>
<p>from what i know, you can transfer to a UC with a minimum of 80% of your required lower division courses. I think it is very unlikely that EECS is going to reject an applicant with a 3.9 while still missing 2 classes over an applicant who has a 3.6 who has completed all his classes. The 3.9 applicant seems to be a more promising candidate who will have probably gotten A's in those 2 missing applicant. However, if you are missing more than 2 classes, then I think it will make a difference. But over 1 or 2 classes, I rarely think they will reject a 3.9 applicant. Remember, a minimum of 80% of your lower division is required to transfer.</p>