GPA and Group Interviews for New Jersey Scholars Program

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I'm a freshman interested in applying to the New Jersey Scholars Program during my junior year. Would anybody be able to tell me the lowest possible GPA you'd need to be accepted? Also, what types of questions are asked in these group interviews? Is it a competitive environment?</p>

<p>I attended NJSP this past summer. There is not a minimum GPA or test score. In my school, a group of people were offered the opportunity to apply. We were selected by our guidance counselors. When we confirmed our interest, the counselors met and chose 2 people to apply (only 2 applications may be sent per school). I was lucky enough to be a semi finalist and received a group interview. All of the group interviews are different. Some questions are about the topic of the program, current events, or your own life. Overall, there is no set path to get into NJSP. Just focus on being involved and keeping your grades up and hopefully everything will work out! </p>

<p>Hey amangual97!!! You got into NJSP? That’s really impressive congrats!!! </p>

<p>I heard a rumor somewhere that if you say “mmmmmyessssss” while nonchalantly nodding your head at any point in the interview you automatically get in. Could you confirm this?</p>

<p>the “mmmyesssss” must be carried out properly, but mmmyesss it’s a secret society thing. </p>

<p>I too can confirm the “mmmyessss” will get you in. But it must be done with a deeply philosophical look on your face </p>