GPA and Summer Questions

<p>Hi everyone. I'm in my Junior year of high school and UCF is one of my top choices so far. That being said, I've heard they have a "special" way of determining GPA. I am in 2 AP classes this year, and may be taking a few more next year. I read something about them giving half a point extra or something like that for Honors and AP level classes. How would I determine my weighted and unweighted GPA? My school goes off of a 12 point scale, and the harder classes are worth more as shown below.</p>

<p>Level 3
A+ 12
A 11
A- 10

<p>Level 2
A+ 14
A 13
A- 12

<p>Level 1
A+ 16
A 15
A- 14

<p>I really want to know what my current GPA would be (in UCF's version). I know they want somewhere around 3.8, so if someone could help explain this all to me it'd be much appreciated.</p>

<p>Now for the second part of my question, what are the "mandatory" summer classes? Again, I read about something to do with "If you don't have 60 hours you need summer classes". Being a student from the North East I don't know how I would be able to take these.</p>

<p>Sorry for the long post, hopefully someone stuck around and could help me with my questions. Thanks.</p>

<p>Per the UCF website:</p>

<p>"Your GPA is recalculated based on the academic core courses (including English, math, science, social studies and foreign language). UCF uses a 4.0 grading scale, and also awards additional quality points for any weighted courses within the academic core. Courses marked as Pre-AP, Pre-IB, Pre-AICE, and Honors are given an additional .5 quality point.</p>

<p>Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced International Certification of Education (AICE), and Dual Enrollment (DE) courses are given 1 additional quality point."</p>

<p>If you’re unfamiliar with the 4 pt scale,</p>

<p>A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7

<p>So, if you get an A- in an honors class, it’s worth 4.3 and an A- in AP will get you a 4.7</p>

<p>I just happened to be looking their website (a little early) for my sophomore son and noticed this info. However, since we’re OOS I’m not sure I have a grip on that summer thing so I can’t offer any advice there. I’m not even sure I have the GPA thing right (that’s the 4 pt. scale here), but that is my understanding of it.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>