<p>Does anyone know what the average GPA at UPenn is? Is it very difficult to get higher than a 3.8 GPA, or is it doable?</p>
<p>depends on school and major</p>
<p>a dp article a few years back said the average engineering gpa was about a 3.0, if i recall correctly</p>
<p>Applying to cas to go to Wharton isn’t smart</p>
<p>Engineering has the lowest GPA, the classes tend to be much more challenging and it’s easy to lose just a few points somewhere unless you’re near perfect and that makes the difference between A and A- often times. (At Penn we use the minus/plus in GPA so A=4.0, A-=3.67, B+=3.33, etc.). Wharton people tend to have fairly decent GPAs, and the college is huge and has everything from 4.0s (quite doable depending on your major) to low C averages.</p>
<p>^ Actually, it’s rounded to one decimal place, as in 4.0, 3.7, 3.3, 3.0, 2.7, etc.</p>
<p>Thats amazing! Can you give me a sample of which majors make 4.0s doable? (I’m not planning to slack in college or anything, just curious)</p>
<p>This is just silly. If you’re smart enough to get in, you’re smart enough to make a 4.0 “doable.” There are exceptions, of course, especially in math/science majors, but it depends on the person’s strengths and work ethic.</p>
<p>I totally agree with wayward_trojan here. I have a 3.94, and that’s honestly only because I got REALLY lazy in 2 classes. Yes, I’m very smart, but the average student here could have a 3.7 with a bit of elbow grease - even in subjects like math or physics, which presumably only attract students who could complete the coursework in the first place.</p>
<p>Thanks for your reply! How do you think the GPAs are for people majoring in Biology or Chemistry?</p>
<p>Considerably lower than most other people’s. Can’t say for sure.</p>
<p>Basically, if you want a high probability of getting a 4.0, go to MIT since they grade on a 5 point scale. A 4.0 is certainly possible but don’t think you can get away without doing alot of work or by taking alot of really easy classes.</p>
<p>wait what about the arts program at UPenn, is it extremely difficult to get a 3.7 GPA or higher?</p>
<p>Its really hard.</p>