<p>I got a C in my high school economics class, unfortunately it was at a CC, the same one I'm at now, and I want to major in Math/Econ at UCLA. I'm getting an A in Micro and have A's in all my math classes, but what are some classes I can take to boost my GPA? I only have 20 units of requirements for all of 2009-2010, so there's lots of room.</p>
<p>Find some GE classes with MEGA easy ratings</p>
<p>Easy ratings? Like what?</p>
<p>Use pickaprof.com to see how many A’s a teacher gives out and use ratemyprofessors.com to read user comments.</p>
<p>what CC are you at? humanities courses will generally be easy to get an A in…ie art history(assuming the teacher has multiple choice exams, and not essays/papers).</p>
<p>every non math and science class is easy</p>
<p>My only other C came in art history, that class is hard.</p>
<p>I’m actually good at math and science, and was thinking of picking Physics because of how impressive it looks.</p>
<p>My CC isn’t listed on pickaprof.</p>
<p>check out ratemyprofessor dot com . really great site</p>
<p>Depends on your school but you might want to search “grade distribution” (or similar) on your school site and the amount of A’s, B’s, etc’s given by professors should show up (this is an alternative to the pickaprof site).</p>
<p>I’m also taking a handful of GPA boosters. Speech and counseling are my two easy classes. Photography is a really easy (and fun) class, too. Or if you speak another language, take that language as a class (beginning). Most of the “easy” classes come with a lot of busy work though.</p>
<p>K, I’m gonna take Stats for Social Sciences and Physics. Those might be harder for most people but I’m good at math and don’t want to deal with essays and busywork.</p>
<p>easy GE such as humanity, theater arts, etc…ask around…people should know which classes are easy A’s.
And 5 units classes are easiest to boost your gpa if you’re able to do it</p>