<p>do colleges include 1st semester senior grades as part of the overall GPA from 9-11 or 10-11?</p>
<p>thanks :)</p>
<p>do colleges include 1st semester senior grades as part of the overall GPA from 9-11 or 10-11?</p>
<p>thanks :)</p>
<p>Some schools will request those grades via a midyear report.</p>
<p>oh yeah, i know that, but will they then recalculate your GPA?</p>
<p>I have a question too. Will schools take into account classes in 8th grade (Algebra and Spanish) I took that counted towards my GPA? Is it some/all/none?</p>
<p>19382 - in response to your question, I was in a similar situation, and for most of my schools that I applied to they included my grade in the recalculated GPA. However, not all schools will, it depends on what they consider high school level classes.
Ilovefish - it really depends on the school. If you are curious about it, just call and ask.</p>
<p>This would give you a good opportunity to be acquainted with the admissions officer!! Make sure you say your name clearly. But your question must be a good one, one not found on their website, or any other source from them.</p>