GPA Calculation

<p>Hi Guys!!
Right now, I am trying to start on the college application process for the fall term.
I know that I have asked this question before, but I havent been able to get a solid answer.
What kind of GPA do we put on the:
Johns Hopkins
Pomona college

<p>What I am concerned with is whether or not i should include in my gpa calculation classes like Physical Education and whether or not I include freshman year grades.
Do different schools have different requirements for GPA calculations?</p>

<p>Can you guys help me out ?</p>


<p>For JHU, I would think you put down your high school GPA up to this point. I don't see why you'd exclude classes.</p>

<p>Since when has gym had grades??</p>

<p>so i just take the gpa on my transcript, right?
yeah my school gives grades for PE
i was just concerned because organizations like NHS doesnt count PE in the gpa calculation.</p>