<p>Hi, everyone. For calculating weighted GPA at my school, an A+ is a 4.67, and A 4.33, and an A- a 4.0. Honors classes receive one extra point, while AP classes receive two extra points. Whille this is crucial in determining the class rank at my school, i remain worried about my unweighted GPA. Would it be better for me to try to pull my A- in honors physics, for example, to an A rather than bring up my history grade to an A+? How would What would 3 A+s, 2 As, an A-, and a B+ come out to on the inweighted scale (my projected 2nd sem grades)? thanks</p>
<p>According to Yale Admission while visiting Yale said this</p>
<li>Put your subjects for each of the 4 year of high shcool into 5 categories</li>
<li>Math, Science (lab), Social Science (History …), English, Foreign Language</li>
<li>You loose points if you don’t take at least 5 subjects in the above categories</li>
<li>The GPA is recalculated with A(+/-) 4, B(+/-) 3, C(+/-) 2, D(+/-) 1</li>
<li>Extra weightage of 1 is given to the courses on your transcript if it is considered AP or hons. from Yale standard.</li>
<p>Do you mean at least 5 subjects in each of the above categories over 4 years, or total, or per year?</p>
<p>Would you happen to have information for other Ivies or just Yale?</p>