GPA for applying to internships

<p>My GPA is 2.97 and a lot of internships require a minimum of 3.0/4.0. Since it is only to one decimal place is my GPA considered high enough? Does it round up?

<p>Yes, your GPA is higher than a 2.0 (halfway mark). So round it up to 4.0.</p>

<p>you should try to get it to a 3.3 atleast to land a large corporate internship(ie fortune 500)</p>

<p>Yeah you can just round it to 3. Whether you are capable of getting an interview with the bare minimum gpa is the real question.</p>

<p>I’d call and, without tipping your hand, ask if they want GPA’s reported to one decimal place or two. If pressed, be up front and tell them why. My gut is that two decimal places are standard, in which case put in your 2.97 and pray that someone looks at it and considers it close enough, doing their own rounding. If they take GPA’s to one place, then your good to go putting 3.0.</p>

<p>Most people just round to 1 decimal on the resume these days.</p>

<p>I would just do 3.0. Its optics but makes a big difference. You’ll have to shine regardless in your interviews.</p>

<p>Mmph. I just realized why the posed problem looked both familiar and non-trivial to me: D had a similar decision on how to report her GPA when job hunting. Given circumstances, rounding to a single decimal point could have appeared to be an attempt to deceive, which is why she reported to two decimal points. I’d check with your college’s career office to get their take on what standard practice is.</p>

<p>“2 plus 2 equals 5 for sufficiently large values of 2.”</p>

<p>im sorta in the same situation.(not exactly) i have a 2.91 GPA. Obviously can’t round up. GPA tanked because of my study abroad grades from last spring that were terrible. They transferred back as letter grades. One of the courses i got a D but it transferred back as credit because it was considered passing at the school i studied abroad at…but didnt meet the requirement for my school back here as passing. So i have to take it again. </p>

<p>Before the whole study abroad mess i had a steady GPA of around 3.0/1 which is still not great but it’s workable to get an internship. I did well fall quarter and got an overall 3.4 boosted me up to what i have now.
Since my school runs on quarters not semesters should have a 3.0 by the end of this quarter but the internships i have been looking at have deadlines before the quarter ends late next month + a GPA of at least 3.0. While it’s not gurauntee that i’ll get anything even with a 3…at least i can apply!</p>

<p>what can or should i do to try and land an internship this summer. My GPA should be back up above a 3 but if they’re asking me for my GPA now on the application it’s not going to look as good… </p>


<p>I really doubt a .05 points difference is enough for a company to decide whether or not to interview you. That’s probably why they ask for a 3.0 GPA and not a 3.00 GPA</p>