GPA for scholarships

<p>Are the GPA's listed on the IU scholarships site for the unweighted GPA or weighted GPA? </p>

<p>At my school we are given two GPA's, one thats on a unweighted 4 Scale (all classes, A=4, B=3, etc) but we also have a weighted scale in which honors and AP courses are given more weight (A=5, B=4). </p>

<p>From what I see, wouldn't it be possible for someone who didn't take any honor/AP courses and yet maintained 3.8 to not just get in Kelley, but also a sweet $9,000 per yr where as the ones in honors/AP courses are given the shaft. Unless they look at both GPAs?</p>

<p>They will look at whaever is reported on the official transcript. From what has been previously posted at CC, they will look at weighted GPAs.</p>

<p>Awesome, I was getting really nervous for a minute!</p>

<p>What about for Kelley Direct Admission? Will they look at any GPA as well? Cause on their website it says this regarding GPA:
Future</a> IU Freshmen: Admissions: Undergraduate Program: Kelley School of Business: Indiana University Bloomington</p>

<p>"Top 10 percent of high school class or 3.6 GPA (on a 4.0 scale)"</p>

<p>Yes, they do look at the GPA (and rank if that is given) in determining who the Kelley admit students should be.</p>

<p>As with the scholarship requirements, my understanding is that whatever the high school puts on the transcript is the GPA/rank that will be used.</p>

<p>Hey Calcruzer, sorry to bring back an old thread but I had a question about the GPA requirement for Kelley. Your answer seemed to address to the scholarship question I had asked but not the Kelley requirement. </p>

<p>My weighted GPA was a 3.96 and therefore I got the Distinction scholarship and recently received the Kelley letter. Since Indiana looked at my weighted for the scholarship, is that what will be looked at for Kelley DA as well? </p>

<p>I am concerned as my unweighted GPA is exactly a 3.6 and will likely drop after this semester and I don’t want my direct admit privilege revoked.</p>

<p>Like I said, they will use whatever is on the transcript. Presuming that you school reports the weighted GPA of 3.96, then that is what the Kelley School will also use–both for admission and for their Kelley scholarship decisions.</p>

<p>P.S. Also, once you receive the Kelley letter, it is my understanding that they will not rescind it even if your GPA drops below the 3.6 level. I believe the only exception to this is if you drop so far in your grades that your admission to Indiana University is also threatened. (meaning that you drop to something like a 1.9 during this semester or next semester).</p>

<p>Keep in mind, though, that they can always change their minds–it’s their alternative to do so. However, it sounds from what you are saying here that falling below a 3.6 W GPA is not something you neet to be worried about.</p>

<p>Worst case scenario, my GPA will likely fall to around 3.57-3.58. So I guess I got it covered. Once again, Thanks Calcruzer!</p>