
<p>I've posted this question before on another board, however did not receive much of a response. Hopefully some of the parents here may be able to help me. So here goes...</p>

<p>I've been concurrently enrolled at a local JC (junior college) and now a state university since the start of high school. So, I've been able to complete some of my high school requirements as well as some cool extra's (like constitutional law and psychology) at those two colleges. I live in CA, and I know that the UC's award an extra grade point to any college classes taken during high school when the recalculate the UC GPA... I was wondering though if other colleges will do the same?! </p>

<p>THe college classes i take get put onto my high school transcript however do not get calculated into my GPA (even though some of them are a part of my high school required classes).. Will colleges calculate these classes into my GPA when they evaluate me? and will the give me an extra grade point for them? </p>

<p>The reason I'm posting this here, on the parents forum is that you guys have more experience. Perhaps you've had a child that has been in the same situation as me.. </p>


<p>Yes, some colleges will recalculate your GPA (including the college/high school split courses) to fit their admissions process.</p>

<p>Others may not. Contact the schools you are applying to and find out.</p>


<p>How the UCs treat college classes and how non-UC schools do may differ widely. My S has also been taking college classes since 9th grade. Some of his college class grades get recorded on his transcript, others get recorded only as Pass. Our school does not weight grades differently. However, the college adcoms we talked to all said that they would take note of the rigor of his curriculum and in particular of the college courses.<br>
Frankly, I don't even know what my S's GPA is, but I'm sure it is not the highest in the school. Still, he's been admitted EA to Harvard. Based on his experience, I would not worry too much about your GPA and class rank. Highlight the college classes instead. My S asked one of his college profs for a recommendation. From what the prof said (after my S told him of the EA admittance), it sounds like the prof was able to compare my S favorably with college students he's taught over many years, so high school class rank became rather less important.</p>

<p>I think if you're wondering about a school in particular the best thing to do is just e-mail or call, though perhaps not today.</p>

<p>Daughter took college courses during High school. They were transcripted and she received H.S. credit but they were not calculated into her H.S. GPA.</p>