GPA improvement

Hello, until this last semester I received mostly A’s and some B’s. Last semester I received two C’s one in AP Statistics and one in pre-calculus. Besides those classes, I received all A’s and a B in an AP class. This semester I am going to try my hardest to receive a 4.0 and above and wondering if colleges will see that I made a huge improvement and take that into account/up my chances. I’m gunning for UCI and UCD. I messed one semester and seriously going through a huge amount of anxiety because of the standards my family has.

Since the UC’s only use 10-11th grades in their GPA calculation, one semester with an upward grade trend will be noted, but will not have a huge impact on your chances. It will really depend upon what your final capped weighted UC GPA will be at the end of Junior year. Continue to work hard and know that there is college out there for any student.

thank you!

just one clarifying question, when you say capped weighted gpa do you mean both sophmore and junior year or each individual year.

Say I took 2 Ap’s in junior year so it would equal 4 credits and then took 2 Ap’s in senior year, would that count towards my UC capped gpa or no.

Capped weighted UC GPA is the a-g GPA for 10-11th grades including up to 8 semesters of honors points for the UC approved courses.

Here is the calculator:

Your senior classes do not get the extra honors points. Only 10-11th for UC approved Honors, AP, IB or DE courses so if you did not take any UC approved Honors courses in 10th, you would get 4 extra honors in the calculation for the 2 year long AP classes in 11th.

If you calculating the UC capped weighted GPA for 10-11 using the Rogerhub calculator, and assuming you got all As in second semester - if you took 0 AP classes as a sophomore and 2 AP classes as a junior, that would be 4 semesters worth of honors. If your pre-Calculus class is an Honors class, add 2 more, to make 6.

Report back your unweighted GPA, capped weighted and uncapped weighted GPAs.

Type your school name in here to find out which courses you took receive extra weight in the eyes of UC admissions. Only the courses with yellow stars next to them receive the extra weight. After you know which classes receive weight and you know your grades, take that info to the roberhub site to calculate your UC GPA.