GPA isn't great...where might I have a chance?

<p>I have always been a good student, but really bombed my sophomore year of HS (3 C's & a D--ouch!). I had some personal issues going on at my old HS, and it really took a toll on my GPA. I am currently a junior, switched to a new HS, where I am doing very well, in some tough courses. Can someone tell me, with my current stats, if I have a chance at a good nursing school and where you suggest I might apply. I live in NC, but am willing to go anywhere on the east coast. Thanks.</p>

<p>White Male
GPA W. 3.97/UW 3.1
SAT 1790 (first try with not much prep) Will take again
Not sure where I am ranked since I transferred schools--may not know until the end of the year.
4 AP's, many honors courses
Good extra curriculars</p>

<p>Being from CT I can tell you about this area’s schools. Western CT State University is an excellent program with the highest board passing rates in the state. It has a pre-nursing program with application in sophomore year. Also Goodwin, Sacred Heart and St. Joseph’s might be good options. Good Luck!!</p>

<p>DeSales University and Messiah are good direct entry nursing programs (at least what we have seen so far…) and not too hard acceptances. Good luck! </p>

<p>Many colleges will put the most emphasis on your grades during your junior year. If you can show that one year was an exception, that would be valuable. Most applications have a place where you can explain any special circumstances. </p>

<p>What part of the country are you from?. There are a large number of direct entry nursing programs in PA, many of which are not extremely competitive. </p>

<p>I live in NC and would like to stay here or a bordering state, if possible. </p>

<p>Unfortunately most nursing programs in Maryland and states to the south are not direct entry. Here is a list that may be a useful starting point. Read the fine print for each college - some have a few direct entry spots, but make most students apply to nursing after 2 years.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<h2><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/h2&gt;

<p><a href=“Master list of Direct Entry Nursing Programs: - Nursing Major - College Confidential Forums”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>(skip to the second last page to see the complete list)</p>

<p>I just skimmed through that list and didn’t see any in SC or NC. There are only 2 in Va, and one is UVa, which is extremely difficult for admission out of state. That may actually work out well for you - at a 2-2 program, all that matters are your college grades (and possibly the results of a pre-nursing test taken in college). With a 2-2 program, no one will care about your high school grades, as long as you get into the college.</p>