GPA on UC App?

My daughter is filling out the UC application. She entered in all of her courses and grades. I was expecting to see somewhere where it says “Your UC GPA is xxx” “Your Weighted GPA is xxxx” etc. However, we don’t see her GPA stated anywhere on the app. Is that how it is? How do we verify that the GPA that she’s getting is what we expected and is correct? Thank you!

Unlike the Cal State application (which uses only 1 GPA for admission purposes), the UC’s will look at 3 UC GPA’s when reviewing applications: Unweighted, Capped Weighted and Fully Weighted.

The link for the Rogerhub GPA Calculator has been proven correct so you can check her GPA’s using it: GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub

And no, the UC application does not calculate the GPA’s.

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Thank you for the link. We understand that the UC system uses these 3 GPAs and we’ve used the calculator. I’m still a bit confused though.

  1. The calculator says that my D22 UC GPA is 4.42. I’ve read somewhere that the max UC GPA you can have is 4.4. Is it possible due to the fact that the second semester of 10th grade all classes were Pass or Not/Pass? For the calculator we entered 19 As (7 classes 1st semester 10th grade, then 6 for 1st sem 11th and 6 2nd sem 11th, but no classes for 2nd sem 10th) and 8 honors courses and it comes to 4.42 capped. Or are we doing something wrong?

  2. I was hoping that once my daughter enters her grades into the application, she’d be able to see the actual official calculation, but it doesn’t say anywhere. How can we check that it’s correct?

Yes, since 10th grade 2nd semester are not letter grades you do get a Capped GPA over 4.4 so a 4.42 but either way it is at the maximum capped weighted.

You can manually do the calculation yourself to double check the GPA calculation. GPA requirement | UC Admissions

The GPA calculations will be made by UC admissions based on the self-report information submitted on the application.

The capped weighted is used for UC eligibility however it is also the GPA usually noted on the UC Freshman profile data.

So to verify that the correct GPA will be calculated, she needs to double check that the academic history, grades and selection of Honors/AP/IB are entered correctly on the application.

There is no other check for GPA other than when submitting the application, if she is in the top 9% of her HS an ELC designation will be posted.

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Got it. Thank you.

Which UCs is she applying to? School begins soon for Berkeley and Merced so you may be able to contact the admissions office to ask questions. The other UCs don’t start until the end of September and communication is more difficult as staff still haven’t returned to their offices yet.

She is still deciding which ones to apply to, most likely it will be 6 or 7 of them. Since the app is the same for all UCs, I assume that we would have to contact their application center if we have any questions.

There is an admissions office at each school. Some are more helpful than others.

UCSB’s admissions office has posted some good videos online.
Below is the program they would show you attended an admissions presentation on campus. At the 24 min mark they talk about general UC admissions. At the 28 min mark they reference pandemic related P/NP classes.

There are many more videos on the UCSB Admissions YouTube Channel. If you scroll to the bottom, you’ll find several videos for HS counselors. They are long but you might find them helpful as well.

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I’ve googled and watched the videos but am still confused about how to enter grades into the application. Do we enter all the unweighted letter grades for all of the classes? So if my child has an unweighted B on her high school transcript, we enter the B on the UC application instead of a weighted A?

Yes, you enter the grade listed on the transcript and then select if it is a Regular/Honors (only for in-state CA students), AP or IB course from the drop down. So the unweighted Grade is reported and the UC’s will calculate the weighted GPA’s based on the type of course (if Honors/AP/IB) listed.