<p>In adddition to the college I have attended Freshman and up to now, I took summer classes elsewhere (and got all As there -- yeah). I will of course send in both transcripts, but do schools know not to just to look at the GPA information on the College Officials Report (all schools I am applying to use the Common Ap for transfers).</p>
<p>The schools are not stupid. They will look at the grades you got at both places. Will they actually calculate a new GPA that incorporates the grades from both schools? I suppose it’s possible but I would think not. They may just look at it as 2 GPA’s: a 4.0 and whatever you got at the other school. Also, as with everything else, it depends on the school.</p>
<p>Actually, the place I went to over the summer is a better school. It seems pretty easy to me to average, you add up the credits, quality points from each school and then divide. And I’m not even a math major.</p>
<p>I agree with kayf. I believe most colleges look calculate a combined GPA. They look at all the colleges you went to and calculate a GPA from all your classes.</p>
<p>I think it’s the same difference. Again they are not stupid. If you submit both transcripts does it matter if they say, “Hey this guy has a 3.0 at one school and a 4.0 at another.” or “Hey, this guy went to two schools and has a combined GPA of 3.5.”?</p>
<p>The only time I think this would matter is if you are borderline for not meeting requirements. If the school requires a 3.0 to be considered and you might not make that cut off for example.</p>