GPA Question

<p>Does the 4-point scale correspond to the 100-point scale?</p>

<p>i.e.: Is a 3.6 GPA equivalent to a 90, 3.8 GPA equivalent to a 95? (a chart I found says 95-100 = 4.0 gpa, true/false?) </p>

<p>Also are weighted grades actually.. err.. legit? My school doesn't weight anything, so I'm not sure how that works. </p>

<p>thanks :)</p>

<p>No. You get a 4.0 for an A, which can be anything above 88/90/92%–somewhere around there.</p>

<p>Oh… wow… so basically… like 25% of kids at high schools with a 4 point scale have a 4.0? That can’t be right can it?</p>

<p>90-100 is a 4.0 A; 80-89 is a 3.0 B; 70-79 is a 2.0 C; 60-69 is a 1.0 D; and below that is an F</p>

<p>rb3, I think you might be confused. It’s evaluated on a class-by-class basis, so, for instance, if you have five A’s and one B in a semester, that’s a 3.83 GPA. I think you were confused because you were thinking a 93 GPA, for instance, would automatically correspond to a 4.0. It doesn’t; you need to go through all your classes and figure it out on your own.</p>

<p>Sweet, this made my day o.o</p>

<p>isn’t a 93 GPA a 3.72 on the 4-point scale?</p>

<p>regardless, thewerg is right; class-by-class is how you do it; say you have 5 classes – 4 As and 1 B… that’s a 3.8 GPA (GPA points–in this case 19–divided by the credits [1 credit per class]; so 19/5 = 3.8 GPA - that’d be a nice GPA to have after 4 years at yale… isn’t 3.85+ the highest honors one [summa cum laude, or something like that]?)</p>