GPA Recalculation?

Hello. My son is going to apply to Virginia Tech in the fall. I am curious if they indicate how and whether they recalculate GPAs for consideration in admissions. My son’s school grades out of 100 and does not weigh honors/APs differently. I have looked around and have not seen any mention of this. Thanks!!

@UpstateNY12 They review GPA and information such as scale used, weights, etc. provided by the school to “normalize” all applicants. So, a pure recalculation might be a stretch, but they definitely do analyze what comprises your GPA. We had the same question back when my sons applied given our school used a 7 point grading scale, no plus/minus, no weights. Therefore, nobody could ever get above a 4.0. Heck, you could have a 92 average, 8 AP classes and still have a 3.0 GPA.

They don’t take your actual high school transcript. They have you input all of your grades and classes into a self reported format (SRAR)

So they take your classes and grades to help in their determination (not really a GPA used). I think all colleges do look at how hard the actual high school is as well in determining how those grades relate to others.

As @cbl1 notes, Virginia Tech uses the SRAR. And although the SRAR is a big pain in the rear (lots of data entry), it allows you to input every class taken, it’s level of rigor, and your student’s grade. This puts all applicants on equal footing in terms of GPA calculation.