<p>So basically I just got admitted to UCSD on Saturday (yay!)
but i'm starting to get really worried because currently my senior grades have been dropping from last semester</p>
<p>what gpa do i need to maintain???</p>
<p>and another question on dorms and roommates:
is there any way to meet people online or something before signing up for rooms?</p>
<p>Try facebook for meeting potential roommates. Each college should have a Class of 2013 group, and if they don’t, I’m sure one will show up soon.</p>
<p>You can meet people on Facebook, I’m sure there will be Facebook groups created that are dedicated to your class (2013?). Also, you can meet people at Admit Day or Orientation since room sign-ups are after both of those events.</p>
<p>If you sign-up early enough as a winter admit, you are likely to get on campus housing, just maybe not at your college of admission.</p>
<p>What I mean is to sign up on the first day possible for you, because a few of my friends have gotten on campus housing when they signed up on the first day possible. There should be some empty spaces because there are people who move out due to various reasons.</p>