GPA vs SAT for UCs

I was wondering whether UCs have a bias towards the GPA over the SAT or vice versa; while I’ve read that many selective universities see applicants’ GPA as a “foot in the door” kind of thing and take the SAT more seriously, Yale’s director of admissions stated in a video that “the most important part of the application, BAR NONE, is the high school transcript”.
I’ve got a 3.95 UC GPA, ~4.1 fully weighted GPA, and a 1520 on the new SAT. Will upper level UCs even consider me? I know that my GPA is below many of their averages; however, my test scores are above the average at all of them. Thanks!

UC’s are very GPA focused but test scores, HS course rigor, essays and EC’s are all part of the application review. All you can do is present the best application possible and hope for the best.

Good Luck.

Thank you.