<p>looked at S grades this morning- he squeaked by this semester with a couple of C’s knew it midterm that he had been missing some classes and not doing all work but he passed- anyway- DW shows different GPA in each area but the overall is at top…He is taking 3 classes at CC in summer school- I’ve heard they don’t count toward GPA but registrar said they do- can someone clarify how SS grades work from a different school?? S is just a B average student and doesn’t really like school… </p>

<p>From: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>How do my transfer courses impact my GPA?
Grades earned on transfer courses are posted to the UA record and are factored into the student’s Overall GPA. Transfer courses do not factor into the student’s UA GPA. The UA GPA is used in the determination of academic standing (suspension or warning) and the determination of Latin honors at the time of graduation. A student must have a minimum 2.00 UA GPA and Overall GPA for graduation; some majors/degree programs may require a higher minimum GPA. A student should consult his/her academic advisor about requirements specific to the student’s declared degree program.</p>

<p>I can confirm from actual experience what jrcsmom posted above. My D has taken community college classes. They are definitely included in the overall GPA. They are not included in the UA GPA. </p>

<p>To keep the OOS scholarships in good standing, does the scholarship office use UA GPA or overall GPA?</p>

<p>Sorry. I just found the answer. It’s UA GPA.</p>

<p>thanks- so Overall GPA includes all other classes besides UA- now to get his GPA up!! hope he can make some
A’s in the fall and no more C’s -so frustrating…</p>