I asked a question about this earlier; however, I’m still confused (sorry!). I understand from what many people are saying that UCLA and UC Berkeley evaluate applicants’ UNCAPPED GPA; however, do the other UCs utilize the uncapped GPA as well? Or do they simply use the capped GPA? Thanks!

UC’s are pretty transparent when it comes to admission requirements, application review etc… UCLA and UCB have been the only 2 UC’s that have posted in their application review that they look at the Uncapped and Capped UC GPA plus they also post their Uncapped GPA averages on their websites for admitted Freshman. Maybe other UC’s also look at the Uncapped UC GPA, none have any specific documentation that states they actually do.

Thank you. Also, I am calculating my UC GPA and I’m unsure what to do: I used 6 semesters of honors courses in my sophomore year and thus have two left for the first quarter of my junior year (I have all weighted classes this quarter). I received 3 As and 1 B; would I be able to choose the two As I received over using 1 A and 1 B?

For the Capped weighted UC GPA, only 4 semesters (2 year long UC approved Honors classes can be used) for your UC GPA in 10th grade. You do not choose the actual grades, you just get 4 points for 10 th grade and 4 points for 11th grade if you took a total of 8 semesters of these honors classes in 10-11th grade.

Add up all your A’s, B’s, C’s etc… by semester for each a-g course in your 10-11th grade. Then add up your semesters of UC approved Honors, AP/IB or DE courses taken 10th-11th grade. Plug this information into the Roger Hub UC GPA calculator and it will calculate your UC Capped Weighted, Unweighted UC and Fully weighted UC GPA.

If unsure, you can PM me with your a-g courses for 10-11th grade along with your final grades and I can help you. Make sure the Honors classes at your HS are UC approved since many “honors” designated HS courses are not UC approved. Usually only Honors Chemistry, Honors Physics and Honors Pre-Calc.

Oh, okay. Thank you!