Grad School admission rates

<p>I am going to be a 4th year at UC Berkeley and it's getting to be that time where I contemplate grad school. Generally what kind of stats are needed to get in (and I'm not talking law or medical). Specifically, UC Berkeley's Social Cultural Anthropology Grad program.</p>

<p>Essentially, I'm just looking for general info, but anything more specific would be appreciated. I'd obviously love to stay at Berkeley for Grad School, but I realize how hard that must be so what stats are good for other programs like other UC's, etc.</p>

<p>Also, how much do you think having my grades at Berkeley impacts my chances as opposed to a student that went to a "less prestigious" school.</p>

<p>I'd be surprised if stats mattered very much. What matters is demonstrated commitment to your field.</p>

<p>Are you an anthro major? </p>

<p>If you are, have you taken advantage of the socio cultural anthro profs?</p>

<p>One of the most important aspects about grad admission is the letters of rec. Oftentimes the litmus test to get into a top 10 program (berkeley socio cultural anthro in your case) will be if your recommenders feel that you are admissible to their own grad program. </p>

<p>Are you worthy of getting mentored by the likes of Cori Hayden, Charles Briggs, and Xin Liu? </p>

<p>Your best shot is talking to socio cultural anthro grad students to find out about stats.</p>

<p>and about whether or not the berkeley name will get you into the places you want to be, don't count on it. its not really about the name at this point, its about what you've done in your intellectual career thus far. sure, if you go to a pretty well-thought of university for undergrad, you may have had an undergrad experience that will have better prepared u for top 10 grad schools. but plenty of people go to great universities and fail to take full advantage of the opportunity. the question is, what have YOU done to prepare to enter berkeley's undeniably great program in socio cultural anthro. and is that better than the vast majority of people applying?</p>